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Website Status

Going to keep a general log of website updates here slash create this space specifically in which one can harp on me for neglecting it for too long because there's really no reason this should have been in unpublicized beta for over a year.

For anyone needing a link, here you go.

Today's update:
  • Attempted adding "versioning" to the javascript lookup in the index and comicpage script lookups to force browsers to ignore cache on what the latest page is. This would not be necessary if I learned how to use JQuery, from what I understand?? Maybe?? I genuinely don't know, so I'm cheating for now.
  • Got pages and commentary set up for entries #72-86, getting a good dent into Chapter 2. Focused on my own commentary for now and am trying to keep most of it pretty quick. If Kaz wants to add something down the line I can do so pretty easily, but she seemed a bit burnt on the whole thing and understandably it does drag out this process a fair bit.

Thanks to Yuri for mentioning it while I'm in a garbage allergy funk so I would work on it instead of feeling like I let everyone down this week because sketching the next one is not going super great. Timing is everything I guess.

Sounds like a good thing to me. We've had it up for over a year and its not live LIVE yet. :/ We've both neglected it too long.

Shit, its been kicking around in obscurity for A YEAR? Damn, I didn't realize its been so long! Cool to see an update to it, 'cause I'm gonna start a re-read with the site, until I have to jump to DA.
Kazzie has the best pony OCs
My OCs (made by Kaz): Obsidian Lights, Astral Glow, Glistening Gemstone
[Image: obsidian%20lights%20200.png][Image: astral%20glow%20200.png][Image: glistening%20gemstone%20200.png]

Chapter 1, Page 36

Quote:I wasn’t pleased with it, so I...

No clue how that error appeared there, but its there.

You also forgot to add a next button from the end of chapter 1, to the cover of chapter 2. Had to go back to the homepage and change the URL a bit to get there.
Kazzie has the best pony OCs
My OCs (made by Kaz): Obsidian Lights, Astral Glow, Glistening Gemstone
[Image: obsidian%20lights%20200.png][Image: astral%20glow%20200.png][Image: glistening%20gemstone%20200.png]

Where was the text error? Usually it's a sign I missed something from a Word import (better text editors like to make fancier quote and apostrophe marks but hard HTML does not like those it sems) but if it's in my own commentary that's very unusual.

I did not forget to add a next button and now I am very concerned as to how that is managing to not work. I'll have to go looking at the page load scripts. It should just be referencing the latest page from the nav header and using that to decide when to show those buttons, so clearly I fucked something up somewhere along the line. Looking at it, I actually did manage to get a basic "does this file exist?" check in there it seems (I don't recall doing this) so odds are it's looking for 72.png and I did not upload the placeholder image to let it know that page 72 exists. If that's the case that's a pretty easy fix once I get home. Sorry about that.

(This only comes up on the comic covers because I save the variants as 72a and 72b, which... I technically do not have to do, though it does hopefully reduce the initial page load to just whichever cover is shown unless you swap them over, since 72.png is basically just a 1000px wide empty horizontal rule.)

That was in fact the problem and I have fixed it.

Chapter 1, Page 36 in Kaz's commentary.

Also good to know thats fixed.
Kazzie has the best pony OCs
My OCs (made by Kaz): Obsidian Lights, Astral Glow, Glistening Gemstone
[Image: obsidian%20lights%20200.png][Image: astral%20glow%20200.png][Image: glistening%20gemstone%20200.png]

Thanks, took care of it.

Bit of a forum issue, but it seems a bit problematic that your images don't seem to work in the threads.

Just a heads up Bee Tee Dubs.
Thumbs Up
You're doing your best, and that's awesome.

Which images? The HoM ones, or...?

Basically, any image thread you've made, the image is just a line of code instead of an actual picture. Not even a clickable link or anything.
Thumbs Up
You're doing your best, and that's awesome.

I'm URL linking to the Twitter upload so maybe it's blocking you somehow?

I should raise the upload limit I guess, I just have zero sense for what's reasonable with these things. :/

Website has (finally) been updated with ten more pages, getting us up through 96 and my beloved Queen Dunkage moment.

Quick but notable updates!
  • Updated the main page's news for the first time ever.
  • We've broke through the 100 page upload mark! Hooray! There's now 103 individual comic entries with commentary at least from myself and sometimes Kaz.
  • Significantly overhauled the comicpage HTML generation to work better with external links, run more reliably, and have more failsafes. I have no idea why I was directed towards the string parsing method I was using when there's substantially more reliable methods! It's better now, I hope!
  • Updated the Chapters page to include presently available parts of Chapter 2, as well as fixing its links to work with the new URL parser.
  • Fixed a typo that showed up in our embed links. That was only there for two years!!
  • Updated my name in the site footer to better reflect certain life changes. (I am aware that this is not the case in all my commentary and updates. This will require new art to match the site style!)
  • I learned a new tag and used it to discuss spoilers in one of the page commentaries. I might go back and do more of these if anything sticks out to me? Fun new toys!!

I think that's everything! You'll probably need to do a hard refresh to see changes reflected on the site (or even have it work properly at all.) I don't know how to force browsers to do this when they arrive, and am open to advice on this matter.

Let me know if you encounter any glaring typos or broken secrets!

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