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Totals Averages
Posts: 430
Threads: 62
Members: 16
Posts per day: 0.4
Threads per day: 0.06
Members per day: 0.01
Posts per member: 26.88
Threads per member: 3.88
Replies per thread: 5.94
Newest Member: AmandaLygiendyc
Members who have posted: 56.25%
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Most popular forum: General Discussion (237 posts, 10 threads)
Top referrer: Ottercat (4 referrals)

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Most Replied To Threads Most Viewed Threads
Best Pony Elimination (177 replies)
Post Author above / left (and now other forum suggestions) (22 replies)
The Jelly Arm (14 replies)
Dinner Time! (13 replies)
Website Status (13 replies)
Zombie's Got You (MG, X) (12 replies)
Theme Request: igame theme (11 replies)
Bunny Bedroom (FG, X) (9 replies)
The Monkey's Paw (T) (6 replies)
Sona Introduction Thread (5 replies)
I'm Fiddling Around (5 replies)
The Camazan Language (5 replies)
You Forgot to Say Goodbye (T) (5 replies)
Ditzy In the Sky (5 replies)
Living shelter. (T) (5 replies)
Best Pony Elimination (40,881 views)
Post Author above / left (and now other forum suggestions) (5,928 views)
I'm Fiddling Around (5,473 views)
The Jelly Arm (4,139 views)
Website Status (3,751 views)
Dinner Time! (3,681 views)
Theme Request: igame theme (3,021 views)
Zombie's Got You (MG, X) (2,776 views)
Bunny Bedroom (FG, X) (2,457 views)
Moon Men (1,639 views)
The Plan (1,623 views)
The Monkey's Paw (T) (1,539 views)
Ditzy In the Sky (1,431 views)
Sona Introduction Thread (1,269 views)
Advance Notice (1,215 views)

Most Awarded
  Username Total
1 General Spritz 2
2 Ottercat 2
3 Lysanderish 2
4 Queen_Ari 2
5 Kazzie 1
6 Fiery bird 1
7 Swot 1
8 venomsbite 1

Lastest Awarded
  Username Total
1 venomsbite 08-21-2024, 10:39 AM
2 General Spritz 08-21-2024, 10:37 AM
3 Queen_Ari 08-21-2024, 10:36 AM
4 Queen_Ari 08-21-2024, 10:35 AM
5 Lysanderish 08-21-2024, 10:35 AM