04-01-2022, 07:30 AM
Fucking massacre in here. Leave you alone for a couple days, damn :|
Twilight Sparkle - 16
Rarity - 20
Applejack - 21
Pinkie Pie - 21
Fluttershy - 21
Rainbow Dash - 21
Spike the Dragon - 8 (-3 because I'm in a bad mood and he's an easy target I can't believe y'all let Cozy Glow outlive Chrysallis what the hell)
Sunny Starscout - 25 (+1 to protect her from a wife who is lashing out about the new generation even though she's seen even less of the last one than I have and still has not had her parenting instincts set in by Dead Dad Syndrome to realize my precious daughter is our precious daughter like some sort of communist parenting sympathy)
Izzy Moonbow - 21
Zipp Storm - 23
Princess Celestia - 19
Princess Luna - 21
Princess Cadance - 18
Shining Armor - 20
Ember - 20
Thorax - 25
Gallus - 20
Silverstream - 20
Smolder - 18
Yona - 21
Ocellus - 21
Nightmare Moon - 18
The Storm King - 8
Cozy Glow - 18
Grogar - 16
Gilda - 17
Trixie - 22
Discord - 24
Sunset Shimmer - 23
Starlight Glimmer - 20
Star Swirl the Bearded - 18
Cheerilee - 21
Cheese Sandwich - 22
Sunburst - 20
Zecora - 21
Little Strongheart - 19
Angel - 19
Winona - 20
Opalescence - 17
Gummy - 20
Tank - 18
Ditzy Doo - 25
RIP Chrysallis my beloved bitch queen. May you live on in our hearts until your appearance in like oh god chapter 8 or some shit oh jesus. I cannot wait to make everyone hate you for entirely different reasons and then drag you kicking and screaming into fresh-baked humble pie. Also the anthro porn of you tends to be A+ very nice thumbs up. You will be missed.
Twilight Sparkle - 16
Rarity - 20
Applejack - 21
Pinkie Pie - 21
Fluttershy - 21
Rainbow Dash - 21
Spike the Dragon - 8 (-3 because I'm in a bad mood and he's an easy target I can't believe y'all let Cozy Glow outlive Chrysallis what the hell)
Sunny Starscout - 25 (+1 to protect her from a wife who is lashing out about the new generation even though she's seen even less of the last one than I have and still has not had her parenting instincts set in by Dead Dad Syndrome to realize my precious daughter is our precious daughter like some sort of communist parenting sympathy)
Izzy Moonbow - 21
Zipp Storm - 23
Princess Celestia - 19
Princess Luna - 21
Princess Cadance - 18
Shining Armor - 20
Ember - 20
Thorax - 25
Gallus - 20
Silverstream - 20
Smolder - 18
Yona - 21
Ocellus - 21
Nightmare Moon - 18
The Storm King - 8
Cozy Glow - 18
Grogar - 16
Gilda - 17
Trixie - 22
Discord - 24
Sunset Shimmer - 23
Starlight Glimmer - 20
Star Swirl the Bearded - 18
Cheerilee - 21
Cheese Sandwich - 22
Sunburst - 20
Zecora - 21
Little Strongheart - 19
Angel - 19
Winona - 20
Opalescence - 17
Gummy - 20
Tank - 18
Ditzy Doo - 25
RIP Chrysallis my beloved bitch queen. May you live on in our hearts until your appearance in like oh god chapter 8 or some shit oh jesus. I cannot wait to make everyone hate you for entirely different reasons and then drag you kicking and screaming into fresh-baked humble pie. Also the anthro porn of you tends to be A+ very nice thumbs up. You will be missed.