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Quote:23:57:42: ZERA: Maintenance is out of price reach for most of us.
23:57:57: ZERA: We get to choose between the price of maint or the price of disposal getting passed on to our kids.
23:58:15: ZERA: Disposal is cheaper.
23:58:23: ZERA: Is this news to you??
23:58:39: SWIMSONG: They just really don’t talk about us topside at all I guess, huh?
23:58:44: BOTAMI: I remember when my aunt died, mom had to hide us in a utility closet so the sups wouldn’t catch me crying.
23:58:51: BOTAMI: She got docked a week’s pay for it.
23:59:12: BOTAMI: Dad sold off one of his prosthetics to keep me fed…
23:59:14: ZERA: ami
23:59:17: LOSTEAGL: I’m sorry
23:59:23: BOTAMI: he died in an accident a couple weeks later
23:59:29: BOTAMI: I didn’t cry that time.
00:02:27: ZERA: we are human
00:02:35: ZERA: not just company assets
00:02:48: ZERA: i will die fighting to make that point
00:03:04: ZERA: and I will make damn well sure someone is reminding you all of it every fucking day
00:03:09: ZERA: Is that clear?
00:03:36: LOSTEAGL: crystal
00:03:41: LOSTEAGL: sorry
00:03:47: LOSTEAGL: i should know better
00:03:56: ZERA: I wonder if you even could have.
00:04:07: ZERA: you ain’t the first suit to worm their way in here.
00:04:12: ZERA: None of the others fared much better either.
00:04:22: UNO: at least this one didn’t start citing penal codes at us
00:04:27: SWIMSONG: uuuuugh
00:04:32: SWIMSONG: Fucking Apolloid!!
00:04:34: LOSTEAGL: someone reacted to this with law codes…?
00:04:40: ZERA: does that surprise you too?
00:04:46: LOSTEAGL: Less so, I guess.
00:04:48: SWIMSONG: Penal Code DEEZNUTZ
00:04:52: SWIMSONG: Suck ‘em, loid!!
00:04:57: BOTAMI: Man doesn’t deserve your nuts, Song.
00:05:00: SWIMSONG: Shit u right
00:05:03: UNO: song has nutss???
00:05:07: LOSTEAGL: People can get real into their jobs up here.
00:05:11: LOSTEAGL: It’s a security thing.
00:05:16: ZERA: Fail and they’ll toss you further down?
00:05:21: LOSTEAGL: yeah
00:05:29: ZERA: well
00:05:34: ZERA: be careful I guess
00:05:39: OMANUEL: Zer…
00:05:40: ZERA: nobody deserves this shit
00:05:44: ZERA: I’m gonna go
00:05:52: ZERA: Implant’s fucking killing me tonight.
00:05:54: LOSTEAGL: night, Z.
00:05:55: SWIMSONG: : ( Take care, Z.
00:06:02: -- ZERA has left the chat --
00:06:14: UNO: bro u stepped in it tonight
00:06:19: LOSTEAGL: I guess I did.
00:06:22: UNO: thanks for makin me look smart
00:06:28: BOTAMI: I don’t know if anyone could do that, ~Onesie~
00:06:35: SWIMSONG: Uno brain cell but we love him anyway ; )
00:06:40: UNO: ci
00:06:47: BOTAMI: Uno play nice or you’ll never see Song’s nuts. u_u
00:06:48: OMANUEL: Honestly it could’ve gone a lot worse.
00:06:54: BOTAMI: Yeah, Eagle! She let you live!
00:06:55: LOSTEAGL: I’ll try to listen more.
00:07:01: BOTAMI: She must really like you… >:3c
00:07:02: LOSTEAGL: Do better.
00:07:06: LOSTEAGL: I need to.
00:07:09: UNO: ?
00:07:15: OMANUEL: Not everyone topside sucks.
00:07:20: OMANUEL: You just need to be willing to learn.
00:07:23: OMANUEL: And unlearn.
00:07:27: BOTAMI: Learn from Uno.
00:07:31: BOTAMI: He unlearns everything!
00:07:34: UNO: >: (
00:07:36: BOTAMI: <3 h4
00:07:36: LOSTEAGL: I’ll try.
00:07:40: SWIMSONG: To be like Uno?
00:07:46: LOSTEAGL: … maybe not *that* much.
00:07:51: UNO: yall mean 2 me >: (
00:08:02: UNO: im gonna go find me a catgirl with big ol tiddies
00:08:10: UNO: tiddies never betray me </3
00:08:15: SWIMSONG: We love you, Onesie~
00:08:19: UNO: ughhhh
00:08:21: -- UNO has left the chat --
00:08:26: BOTAMI: … okay now go find him, Song.
00:08:30: SWIMSONG: >: )
00:08:35: SWIMSONG: He wants a catgirl with big ol’ titties
00:08:38: SWIMSONG: but little does he know
00:08:42: SWIMSONG: that the one he finds
00:08:48: SWIMSONG: also gonna have some NICE nuts!! >: )
00:08:52: -- SWIMSONG has left the chat --
00:08:59: OMANUEL: You taking notes over there, Eagle?
00:09:03: LOSTEAGL: h4, yeah
00:09:10: LOSTEAGL: Uno’s thick, but not as thick as Song’s balls.
00:09:17: OMANUEL: You’ve passed my pop quiz, my student. u_u
00:09:23: LOSTEAGL: Small victories.
00:09:30: BOTAMI: That’s the spirit!

=="they’re totally doin it", [23:48:16=>00:09:30]) of PRQ:C[1vDSpa] via BOTAMI 2161/04/17 00:11 ==

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PRQLog_21610417-1 - by Ottercat - 07-01-2022, 05:49 AM
RE: PRQLog_21610417-1 - by Ottercat - 07-01-2022, 05:52 AM

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