04-08-2023, 04:32 AM
Quick but notable updates!
I think that's everything! You'll probably need to do a hard refresh to see changes reflected on the site (or even have it work properly at all.) I don't know how to force browsers to do this when they arrive, and am open to advice on this matter.
Let me know if you encounter any glaring typos or broken secrets!
- Updated the main page's news for the first time ever.
- We've broke through the 100 page upload mark! Hooray! There's now 103 individual comic entries with commentary at least from myself and sometimes Kaz.
- Significantly overhauled the comicpage HTML generation to work better with external links, run more reliably, and have more failsafes. I have no idea why I was directed towards the string parsing method I was using when there's substantially more reliable methods! It's better now, I hope!
- Updated the Chapters page to include presently available parts of Chapter 2, as well as fixing its links to work with the new URL parser.
- Fixed a typo that showed up in our embed links. That was only there for two years!!
- Updated my name in the site footer to better reflect certain life changes. (I am aware that this is not the case in all my commentary and updates. This will require new art to match the site style!)
- I learned a new tag and used it to discuss spoilers in one of the page commentaries. I might go back and do more of these if anything sticks out to me? Fun new toys!!
I think that's everything! You'll probably need to do a hard refresh to see changes reflected on the site (or even have it work properly at all.) I don't know how to force browsers to do this when they arrive, and am open to advice on this matter.
Let me know if you encounter any glaring typos or broken secrets!