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10/5/22 Rule Updates

I am making a few changes to the ruleset and would like to explain my reasoning as I go instead of just dumping them into the primary rules thread and tellin' y'all to deal with it. Here we go!

Third-Person Is Now Required
I know this is divisive a bit, but I truly think it is for the best in maintaining a healthy distance between the game and its players, as well as in minimizing potential misinterpretations of player intentions and feelings going forward. This has already effected my personal life multiple times, so God knows as this escalates it has the potential to effect everyone else's, and I'd like to minimize the harm potential of a silly pervert play-pretend. To that end, all new threads and their responses should be written in third-person narration. Thank you for your understanding.

Scenarios Can No Longer Employ Host Sonas
While I am happy if this game can provide its players with a safe space for sexual exploration and self-discovery and actualization, there has been a thorough reliance on new hosts employing their sonas to effectively proposition the entire room. While this is not inherently a bad thing, I do think it limits the potential and purpose of the game, and also steers us pretty directly into direct public ERP territory. As much as I (apparently) enjoy textual fucking for attention and praise, not everyone is into that thing, and our goal is a shared perverse kind of creative writing exercise, so going forward please abstain from writing scenarios around fucking your personas. I may try to come up with other ways for sonas to interact in the future, but for now I think this is the best both for the game and for reasons very similar to the invoked third-person requirement. Further, all existing sona threads will no longer gain HP tally after the next score roundup (likely by this coming weekend). I will likely try to make a space for these and any other sort of straight-up ERP groupfinding / public displays to move existing threads to afterwards. By all means, play with each other, have fun, but I need to kick the habit in this context specifically.

On which note, I will at present no longer be engaging with sona-on-sona ERPs.  I'd be lying if I said these things weren't all a bit related as much as I'd be lying if I said I didn't really like putting on that kind of show, but I have my reasons. These sorts of interactions have already prompted comments of discomfort from varying parties, and I'd like to keep the game space and my own potential abuse of power within my little community in some sort of check.

Tentative: Classifying Your Posts
This'll need elaborating on as we go, but I'm trying to construct a shorthand so people can find the threads they're most interested in quickly, starting with my own employment of "(MONSTERGIRL)" on my previous thread. This one is not presently a hard rule and I am very open to input in developing this shorthand for community use and comprehension. ty

The rules thread proper will be updated to reflect these changes soon.

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