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Theme Request: igame theme

I finally found a theme that ins't obnoxiously bright and hard on the eyes, actually works, and kinda looks good. The name of the theme is called "igame". The image in the background can be changed very easily, and the "Go Social" and "About Us" sections in the footer can be edited too.
[Image: unknown.png]

To install, just copy the "igame" folder from the zip download into the forum "images" folder. Then just import the xml file in the ACP (Admin CP) theme importer.

  • "2.jpg" inside the "igame" folder is the background. You can simply replace that with whatever. Its a blurred out Assassins Creed wallpaper by default. I replaced it with an MLP screenshot for testing.
  • The "shadow" box is white normally, but it looks better with black, since white text sits directly on it in the board and thread views. ACP -> Templates & Styles -> Themes -> igame23 -> global.css -> on line 63 (Ctrl + F "contents"), change to "background: rgba(0,0,0,0.6);" to match the above screenshot.
  • To edit the "Go Social" and "About Us" boxes: ACP -> Templates & Styles -> Templates (left side) -> igame23 Templates -> Footer Templates -> footer. "Go Social" can be edited from lines 35 to 46, and "About Us" from 94 to 107. They are in plain HTML, so it should be simple enough to do something nice with them.

You might want to make a smaller logo so the top bar isn't oddly large. In the above screenshot, I just "politely borrowed" this forums logo and down scaled it 50%.
Kazzie has the best pony OCs
My OCs (made by Kaz): Obsidian Lights, Astral Glow, Glistening Gemstone
[Image: obsidian%20lights%20200.png][Image: astral%20glow%20200.png][Image: glistening%20gemstone%20200.png]

Man I'm glad you had a default background because I sure don't lol

I'm fuckin' with it before pushing it to default but it's there for now if anyone's interested.

So it turns out it helps immensely if you put the images folder in the correct parent folder. You know, the forum's image folder. Not... the base website's.

I'll probably have it pushed to default soon.

(04-25-2022, 02:48 AM)Zaron Wrote: So it turns out it helps immensely if you put the images folder in the correct parent folder. You know, the forum's image folder. Not... the base website's.

I'll probably have it pushed to default soon.

Lol. Nice background choice by the way!
Kazzie has the best pony OCs
My OCs (made by Kaz): Obsidian Lights, Astral Glow, Glistening Gemstone
[Image: obsidian%20lights%20200.png][Image: astral%20glow%20200.png][Image: glistening%20gemstone%20200.png]

Matches the website lol.

Real fancy boy mode would be having a few in rotation. For now this'll do nicely though. Might try fiddling with colors later to get a classy gold look to match Mindy tho??? maybe. Maybe not I kinda like the blue. Maybe find a BG that matches the blue instead lol/

fun fact: advanced CSS edit mode on this style sheet causes the same internal server error as if your post is too dang long for the SQL settings to handle. So that's cool I guess.

(04-25-2022, 02:54 AM)Zaron Wrote: Matches the website lol.

Real fancy boy mode would be having a few in rotation. For now this'll do nicely though. Might try fiddling with colors later to get a classy gold look to match Mindy tho??? maybe.  Maybe not I kinda like the blue. Maybe find a BG that matches the blue instead lol/

fun fact: advanced CSS edit mode on this style sheet causes the same internal server error as if your post is too dang long for the SQL settings to handle.  So that's cool I guess.

It does? I didn't have that issue when I was editing the CSS from the website. Weird.
Kazzie has the best pony OCs
My OCs (made by Kaz): Obsidian Lights, Astral Glow, Glistening Gemstone
[Image: obsidian%20lights%20200.png][Image: astral%20glow%20200.png][Image: glistening%20gemstone%20200.png]

It could be tied to your SQL setup. I can do some shit in console apparently to extend post length compatibility but still haven't investigated what that actually entails me doing.

Alternatively, maybe it just had a fart.

(04-25-2022, 07:17 AM)Zaron Wrote: It could be tied to your SQL setup. I can do some shit in console apparently to extend post length compatibility but still haven't investigated what that actually entails me doing.

Alternatively, maybe it just had a fart.

Honestly, not worth fucking with.

But also the CSS are saved as files right in the forum directory, not in the SQL database, so that shouldn't be a problem for the SQL editor? That's why I find it weird.
Kazzie has the best pony OCs
My OCs (made by Kaz): Obsidian Lights, Astral Glow, Glistening Gemstone
[Image: obsidian%20lights%20200.png][Image: astral%20glow%20200.png][Image: glistening%20gemstone%20200.png]

My main theory would be that it's running the text editors in the CSS space on the same basic parts as the forum posts and that the end result is, somehow or other, trying to run that CSS through the SQL like a forum post before updating the file, but that's me shooting in the dark.

Again, it could also have just been bad timing / a fluke. I'm not exactly rushing to try it again, and it doesn't do it when using the simple editor. Simple just doesn't give me line numbers and such to easily find where I'd been pointed.

Of those 3 bullet points, only the second can be done in the simple editor (you want to edit "#content"), but it looks like you've already done that one (well, it looks like you've made it transparent anyways). The third one doesn't have a simple editor.

Templates are HTML snippets that make up the layout of your board, which are stored in the database. Templates are a very important part of your forum’s style.

This would explain why you're getting database errors when you try to edit it lol. Even still, I didn't get any errors when editing the footer template myself, so that's weird.
Kazzie has the best pony OCs
My OCs (made by Kaz): Obsidian Lights, Astral Glow, Glistening Gemstone
[Image: obsidian%20lights%20200.png][Image: astral%20glow%20200.png][Image: glistening%20gemstone%20200.png]

Your host might have different text defaults / permissions, though I thought it was part of the board install and this is very out of my usual realm so wtf do I know. I can make pretty decent guesses at problems but I'll leave narrowing it down to more precise details to people who know what they're doing.

(04-26-2022, 01:44 AM)Zaron Wrote: Your host might have different text defaults / permissions, though I thought it was part of the board install and this is very out of my usual realm so wtf do I know. I can make pretty decent guesses at problems but I'll leave narrowing it down to more precise details to people who know what they're doing.

In this case, my host is me and myself lol. For some reason I set up a web server on a spare PC I have sitting around lol.

But this would be more how you have SQL setup and configured than anything else. I likewise don't know anymore of what I'm saying beyond that, so uh IDK, give it another try when you've got time and see if you still have an issue, go from there.
Kazzie has the best pony OCs
My OCs (made by Kaz): Obsidian Lights, Astral Glow, Glistening Gemstone
[Image: obsidian%20lights%20200.png][Image: astral%20glow%20200.png][Image: glistening%20gemstone%20200.png]

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