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Tipping the Scales (MG, T, D)

The odds of death in this scenario are higher than usual, but so are the rewards for success! Good luck!

It was just meant to be a simple hike. An expedition for your sonas together, bonding through the ancient art of exercise and its suffering. They forget which of them had the idea initially, which is a shame, because yours would love to scold them now that they're in a cage.

Imprisoned deep in a forgotten temple, this fun vacation diversion has turned into a rather prickly situation. Lamia - creatures with the tails of snakes but the torsos of men - slither to and fro outside, casting shadows through the slim windows atop your sona's stone cell. The situation in the prison is hardly any better, guards heckling and hissing at them as they pass by. Among their captors are two richly adorned figures who writhe along at their leader's side. The creatures are surprisingly chatty, both amongst themselves and in their jeering, but it's become rather clear that the women in question are the king's daughters.

One is a fiery redhead, strong and scarred, an experienced warrior with braided hair and blood-stained scales, seemingly more comfortable in armor than the decorations befitting her station. The other is a softer, comely creature, dressed in flashy jewelry and leaving little to the imagination as she sways through the halls and casts flirtatious gazes at every guard - man or woman - that crosses their path.

Less flirtatious is how she looks at her prisoners. She clearly has distaste for anything that isn't one of her own, which may be to the detriment of your sona's survival; word among the guards is that the princesses hold a great deal of sway with their father and people, and further are of age to begin seeking partners of a more permanent kind. Perhaps one's odds would be better with the warrior; though she speaks little compared to her sister, she looks upon her prisoners with a great deal more pity, as if she has something to say but can't bring herself to do it.

Regardless of how they go about it, the sonas are caught in a bad corner, well-guarded and running out of time. It is in this window of tension that the princesses begin visiting the prison alone in the night. Perhaps, with some well-considered conversation, all of our lovely vacationers can escape with their lives...

The Princesses each individually visit your cells in the night. You may attempt to strike up a conversation to get to know them and/or gather information to help your friends escape. It is relatively unlikely that your life will end here, provided that you do not directly antagonize your visitors or provide them cause to end you, but it could effect how things play out for you later. Whether you choose for your sona to ask a question here or simply sit silent and observe is, consequently, up to you.


Note that this scenario HAS CONTINUITY. What happens in phase 1 carries on to the next!

Ari sits silently in the cell as the first of the princesses approach. She looks around to see that everyone else in the cell is quite equally scared, and more so, annoyed, each of them wondering what had gone wrong to land them here.

The princess approaches, adorned in flashy jewelry and clothing. She leans in close to the bars, leering at everyone inside.

"Aaaaah, lets see what we have here...", she says, looking everyone up and down with an evil and mischievous glint in her eye. "Inferior, all of you... You're all lucky your still alive. I'm not even sure why the king has agreed to keep you alive. Probably that bratty stain of a sister got into hiss head."

She leans her head in closer to the bars, flicking her tongue out. It strikes Ari's cheek, leaving a slight, dull, stinging pain in it's wake. She winces, reeling back.

"Mmmmmm you ssmell... delectable. You all behave now, or we might feast tonight. First on the menu... would be you..." She teases, glaring daggers at the rabbit. "I'm sure you'd taste the ssweetest."

Ari shrinks back in fear, her words tearing into her mind. Laughing to herself, the princess slithers away from the cell, leaving everyone to their own thoughts once more.

As, either, princess approaches the cell containing the Swot entity they may notice that the floor inside the cell is in immaculate condition. The bars also seem polished and... is that fresh spackle on one of the walls?
As it turns out the Swot entity's predisposition to randomly show up and fix things has coalesced now that it has been trapped inside a confined space for a prolonged period of time. At first glance it seems to per-occupied staring at one of the walls.

Quote:The Princesses each individually visit your cells in the night.

When the fiery redhead warrior princess approaches:

Swot turns at the sound of the slithering and his eyes light up, "Well hello your majesty, what a pleasant surprise. For what reason are you out and about at this hour? I would offer you some tea, but alas I do not have any."

When the comely bejeweled princess approaches

Swot turns away from the wall slowly, pensive, being able to feel the piercing stare. "Why are you here?"

Should either ask about the spackle
The Swot entity pauses a moment, thinking, and then says "I traded one of the guards a song for some cigs; another the cigs for some coin; another prisoner, though I will not say who, the coins for a stuffed animal; and finally I traded the janitor the stuffed animal for some spackle. Personally I am a bit surprised, as I cannot sing particularly well."

Mark was understandingly a bit freaked out about his present situation, not only for himself, but for the others as well, however despite all that, he can't help but be in awe of where he has ended up, a virtually undiscovered race of snake people, unknown to the world with their own culture, why his head was swimming with questions.

Of course, getting out of this situation alive is important, so Mark waited patently for each of the princesses to arrive, and began trying to strike up a friendly conversation with them.

First was the redhead, who he figured was the kind to be very interested in her people's culture, so he thought that asking about that might get her to be less hostile towards him.

"Hello there, princess," He said with a bow. "My name is Mark, I wouldn't want to be rude and not give my name, especially to royalty such as you." Mark lifts his head from the bow. "I've been looking around and I can't help but marvel at the exquisite construction of this temple, no doubt made by your ancestors. If you would be willing, would you share any stories about them, please? This place is fascinating, and I would love to learn more." 

Then there's the warrior one, who Mark figures might be more agreeable to conversation compared to her sister. "Hello, princess." he gives her the same bow. "My name is Mark, I believe it would be rude to not introduce myself, least of all to royalty." Lifting his head, he gives her a slight look of concern. "You seemed troubled earlier, is there something on your mind? If you want, maybe talking about it would help you clear your head, even to a prisoner like myself?"
Sona's: Mark

The princesses make their rounds in turn through the night. The first to descend into the murky dungeon is the glamorous daughter, adorned in jewels from head to tail, her midnight black scales and hair shimmering in the moonlight.

Her first stop is Ari's cell...

Quote:Ari sits silently in [her] cell as the first of the princesses approach. She looks around to see that everyone else [...] is quite equally scared, and more so, annoyed, each of them wondering what had gone wrong to land them here.

The princess approaches [and] leans in close to the bars, leering at [Ari].

"Aaaaah, lets see what we have here...", she says, looking [around the prison] with an evil and mischievous glint in her eye. "Inferior, all of you... You're all lucky your still alive. I'm not even sure why the king has agreed to keep you alive. Probably that bratty stain of a sister got into hiss head."

She leans her head in closer to the bars, flicking her tongue out. It strikes Ari's cheek, leaving a slight, dull, stinging pain in it's wake. She winces, reeling back.

"Mmmmmm you ssmell... delectable. You all behave now, or we might feast tonight. First on the menu... would be you..." She teases, glaring daggers at the rabbit. "I'm sure you'd taste the ssweetest."

Ari shrinks back in fear, her words tearing into her mind. Laughing to herself, the princess slithers away from the cell, leaving everyone to their own thoughts once more.

The snake slithers down the line of cells, heckling the inmates one by one until she is stopped by Mark.

Quote:"Hello there, princess," He said with a bow. "My name is Mark, I wouldn't want to be rude and not give my name, especially to royalty such as you." Mark lifts his head from the bow. "I've been looking around and I can't help but marvel at the exquisite construction of this temple, no doubt made by your ancestors. If you would be willing, would you share any stories about them, please? This place is fascinating, and I would love to learn more." 

She glares at the human, raising an eyebrow incredulously. "My ancestors...?"

Mark smiles, nervously. "W-Why, yes!"

In a flash, the princess's fingers are wrapped around Mark's neck, squeezing tight as she forces him to look into her eyes. "My ancestors were hunted, accused of eating yours, you pathetic thing."

She hisses, throwing Mark to the ground choking and sputtering from her hold.

"If I had my way," she continues, "I would see why they fancied themselves so delicious that they feared we should care."

She spits into the cell in front of Mark before continuing on her way, muttering something along the lines of "and how dare someone call the temple exquisite when I am right here putting its 'beauty' to shame!"

It is then that she comes upon the Swot entity...

Quote:Swot turns away from the wall slowly, pensive, being able to feel the piercing stare. "Why are you here?"

She grabs the bars and examines the room in shock. She couldn't even remember it being as well furnished as it now was. Had the bedding in these cells always been so... well-kept? She only manages to utter a single "how!?" in response.

Quote:The Swot entity pauses a moment, thinking, and then says "I traded one of the guards a song for some cigs; another the cigs for some coin; another prisoner, though I will not say who, the coins for a stuffed animal; and finally I traded the janitor the stuffed animal for some spackle. Personally I am a bit surprised, as I cannot sing particularly well."

"W-Well," she stammers, "that is quite... resourceful. And it's... spotless!"

Swot nods, glad someone appreciates the work, even if the someone in question seems otherwise quite tasteless.

She slinks off, seeming shaken, glancing back over her shoulder once in a while at the freshly renovated jail cell. "I might... have a sure for that one," she mutters.

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