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Best Pony Elimination

Twilight Sparkle - 20
Rarity - 20
Applejack - 21
Pinkie Pie - 21
Fluttershy - 21
Rainbow Dash - 21
Spike the Dragon - 11
Sunny Starscout - 25
Izzy Moonbow - 21
Pipp Petals - 1 (-3 hey thanks for reminding me lol)
Zipp Storm - 23
Sprout - 17
Princess Celestia - 20
Princess Luna - 21
Princess Cadance - 20
Shining Armor - 20
Ember - 20
Thorax - 29 (+1 best bug)
Gallus - 20
Silverstream - 20
Smolder - 20
Yona - 21
Ocellus - 20
Nightmare Moon - 20
Queen Chrysalis - 14
King Sombra - 11
Lord Tirek - 21
The Storm King - 15
Cozy Glow - 20
Grogar - 17
Gilda - 20
Trixie - 21
Discord - 23
Sunset Shimmer - 22
Starlight Glimmer - 20
Star Swirl the Bearded - 18
Cheerilee - 20
Cheese Sandwich - 22
Sunburst - 20
Zecora - 20
Little Strongheart - 20
Angel - 20
Winona - 20
Opalescence - 17
Gummy - 20
Tank - 20
Ditzy Doo - 24
Vinyl Scratch - 21
Kazzie has the best pony OCs
My OCs (made by Kaz): Obsidian Lights, Astral Glow, Glistening Gemstone
[Image: obsidian%20lights%20200.png][Image: astral%20glow%20200.png][Image: glistening%20gemstone%20200.png]

Twilight Sparkle - 20
Rarity - 20
Applejack - 21
Pinkie Pie - 21 (+1 to best girl, as decided by my preset mood I guess)
Fluttershy - 21
Rainbow Dash - 21
Spike the Dragon - 11 (-1 because he sucks)
Sunny Starscout - 25
Izzy Moonbow - 21
Zipp Storm - 23
Sprout - 17 (Do we know there were no consequences? I figured we'd just see how that plays out going forward...)
Princess Celestia - 20
Princess Luna - 21
Princess Cadance - 20
Shining Armor - 20
Ember - 20
Thorax - 28 (-1, too powerful, making everyone else feel inadequate. Also, a huge dork.)
Gallus - 20
Silverstream - 20
Smolder - 20
Yona - 21
Ocellus - 20
Nightmare Moon - 20
Queen Chrysalis - 14
King Sombra - 11
Lord Tirek - 21
The Storm King - 15
Cozy Glow - 20
Grogar - 17
Gilda - 20
Trixie - 21
Discord - 23
Sunset Shimmer - 22
Starlight Glimmer - 20
Star Swirl the Bearded - 18
Cheerilee - 20
Cheese Sandwich - 22
Sunburst - 20
Zecora - 20
Little Strongheart - 20
Angel - 20
Winona - 20
Opalescence - 17
Gummy - 20
Tank - 20
Ditzy Doo - 24
Vinyl Scratch - 21

(I shall strive for equilibrium come the end times when we're down to like five severely upvoted horses on a sea of corpses, but damned if I don't think someone dancing with 30 isn't getting a little too OP at this point, and damned if I'm going to let fucking Thorax ascend to godhood so thoroughly unchallenged when perfect baby boy Discord is, like, right there.)

Twilight Sparkle - 21 (+1. Twily needs some love.)
Rarity - 20
Applejack - 21
Pinkie Pie - 21
Fluttershy - 21
Rainbow Dash - 21
Spike the Dragon - 11
Sunny Starscout - 25
Izzy Moonbow - 21
Zipp Storm - 23
Sprout - 17
Princess Celestia - 20
Princess Luna - 21
Princess Cadance - 20
Shining Armor - 20
Ember - 20
Thorax - 27 (-1. Thorax-humbling-pile on.)
Gallus - 20
Silverstream - 20
Smolder - 20
Yona - 21
Ocellus - 20
Nightmare Moon - 18 (-2. She's more a lore figure than an actual character.)
Queen Chrysalis - 14
King Sombra - 11
Lord Tirek - 21
The Storm King - 15
Cozy Glow - 20
Grogar - 17
Gilda - 20
Trixie - 21
Discord - 23
Sunset Shimmer - 22
Starlight Glimmer - 20
Star Swirl the Bearded - 18
Cheerilee - 20
Cheese Sandwich - 22
Sunburst - 20
Zecora - 20
Little Strongheart - 20
Angel - 20
Winona - 20
Opalescence - 17
Gummy - 20
Tank - 20
Ditzy Doo - 24
Vinyl Scratch - 21
Thumbs Up
You're doing your best, and that's awesome.

Twilight Sparkle - 21
Rarity - 20
Applejack - 21
Pinkie Pie - 21
Fluttershy - 21
Rainbow Dash - 21
Spike the Dragon - 11
Sunny Starscout - 25
Izzy Moonbow - 21
Zipp Storm - 23
Sprout - 14 (-3 ACAB)
Princess Celestia - 20
Princess Luna - 21
Princess Cadance - 20
Shining Armor - 20
Ember - 20
Thorax - 28 (+1 must defend dorky best bug)
Gallus - 20
Silverstream - 20
Smolder - 20
Yona - 21
Ocellus - 20
Nightmare Moon - 18
Queen Chrysalis - 14
King Sombra - 11
Lord Tirek - 21
The Storm King - 15
Cozy Glow - 20
Grogar - 17
Gilda - 20
Trixie - 21
Discord - 23
Sunset Shimmer - 22
Starlight Glimmer - 20
Star Swirl the Bearded - 18
Cheerilee - 20
Cheese Sandwich - 22
Sunburst - 20
Zecora - 20
Little Strongheart - 20
Angel - 20
Winona - 20
Opalescence - 17
Gummy - 20
Tank - 20
Ditzy Doo - 24
Vinyl Scratch - 21
Kazzie has the best pony OCs
My OCs (made by Kaz): Obsidian Lights, Astral Glow, Glistening Gemstone
[Image: obsidian%20lights%20200.png][Image: astral%20glow%20200.png][Image: glistening%20gemstone%20200.png]

Twilight Sparkle - 21
Rarity - 20
Applejack - 21
Pinkie Pie - 21
Fluttershy - 21
Rainbow Dash - 21
Spike the Dragon - 11
Sunny Starscout - 26 (+1. The truest hero of her world.)
Izzy Moonbow - 21
Zipp Storm - 23
Sprout - 11 (-3. A stubborn product of his flawed society.)
Princess Celestia - 20
Princess Luna - 21
Princess Cadance - 20
Shining Armor - 20
Ember - 20
Thorax - 28
Gallus - 20
Silverstream - 20
Smolder - 20
Yona - 21
Ocellus - 20
Nightmare Moon - 18
Queen Chrysalis - 14
King Sombra - 11
Lord Tirek - 21
The Storm King - 15
Cozy Glow - 20
Grogar - 17
Gilda - 20
Trixie - 21
Discord - 23
Sunset Shimmer - 22
Starlight Glimmer - 20
Star Swirl the Bearded - 18
Cheerilee - 20
Cheese Sandwich - 22
Sunburst - 20
Zecora - 20
Little Strongheart - 20
Angel - 20
Winona - 20
Opalescence - 17
Gummy - 20
Tank - 20
Ditzy Doo - 24
Vinyl Scratch - 21
Thumbs Up
You're doing your best, and that's awesome.

(RULE PROPOSAL: In the interest of preventing incredible one-sided leads and also giving Yuri a little variety in her life, I propose that anyone who hits 30 points is declared "SAFE" and can no longer have points added or removed until all non-safe characters are eliminated. This gives all of us a goal to push our favorites and prevents the need to chronically feed Thorax humble pie for a while lest we end up with a ridiculous last-minute gauntlet of Yuri trying to out-downvote everyone else, and as a bonus we'll almost certainly get some of the obvious easy-defends out of the immediate list as well. I propose safe ponies be moved to the bottom of the list until it is time for the next "round," as it were, where they must face each other. We can make new SAFE benchmarks if there are enough contenders by then as deemed necessary.)

Twilight Sparkle - 21
Rarity - 20
Applejack - 21
Pinkie Pie - 21
Fluttershy - 21
Rainbow Dash - 21
Spike the Dragon - 11
Sunny Starscout - 26
Izzy Moonbow - 21
Zipp Storm - 23
Sprout - 11 (He's a product of his hypercapitalist mom's coddling, is what he is. We should put her on here just to destroy her, obviously, but I DO NOT REMEMBER HER NAME OOPS)
Princess Celestia - 20
Princess Luna - 21
Princess Cadance - 20 (-1, you just kind of bore me, lady)
Shining Armor - 20
Ember - 20
Thorax - 28
Gallus - 20
Silverstream - 20
Smolder - 20
Yona - 21
Ocellus - 20
Nightmare Moon - 18
Queen Chrysalis - 14
King Sombra - 11
Lord Tirek - 21
The Storm King - 15
Cozy Glow - 20
Grogar - 17
Gilda - 18 (-2 you were mean to Pinkie Pie and that is simply not allowed)
Trixie - 21
Discord - 23
Sunset Shimmer - 22
Starlight Glimmer - 20
Star Swirl the Bearded - 18
Cheerilee - 20
Cheese Sandwich - 22
Sunburst - 20
Zecora - 20
Little Strongheart - 20
Angel - 20
Winona - 20
Opalescence - 17
Gummy - 20
Tank - 20
Ditzy Doo - 25 (+1 because of obvious biases)
Vinyl Scratch - 21

Spent a while sitting on it and thinking about it, and while I could go in depth about what I think, the important part is that if everyone else likes the rule and agrees to it, I'm fine with it. I won't update OP to make a note about the rule yet, and wait for everyone else (or at least Spritz I guess lol) to pitch in their thoughts first.

Twilight Sparkle - 21
Rarity - 20
Applejack - 21
Pinkie Pie - 21
Fluttershy - 21
Rainbow Dash - 21
Spike the Dragon - 11
Sunny Starscout - 26
Izzy Moonbow - 21
Zipp Storm - 23
Sprout - 8 (-3)
Princess Celestia - 20
Princess Luna - 21
Princess Cadance - 19 (+0, but Zaron forgot to update total again. Don't worry, I've got you covered. I may want to make Thorax invincible, but I do have my honor.)
Shining Armor - 20
Ember - 20
Thorax - 29 (+1 best bug nearly invincible bug. Phyrnx would be proud!)
Gallus - 20
Silverstream - 20
Smolder - 20
Yona - 21
Ocellus - 20
Nightmare Moon - 18
Queen Chrysalis - 14
King Sombra - 11
Lord Tirek - 21
The Storm King - 15
Cozy Glow - 20
Grogar - 17
Gilda - 18
Trixie - 21
Discord - 23
Sunset Shimmer - 22
Starlight Glimmer - 20
Star Swirl the Bearded - 18
Cheerilee - 20
Cheese Sandwich - 22
Sunburst - 20
Zecora - 20
Little Strongheart - 20
Angel - 20
Winona - 20
Opalescence - 17
Gummy - 20
Tank - 20
Ditzy Doo - 25
Vinyl Scratch - 21
Kazzie has the best pony OCs
My OCs (made by Kaz): Obsidian Lights, Astral Glow, Glistening Gemstone
[Image: obsidian%20lights%20200.png][Image: astral%20glow%20200.png][Image: glistening%20gemstone%20200.png]

RE: New Rules;
I think there's a fairly easy way to split the difference. Increase the point limit to 40 or 50, and once a character reaches that point, it becomes a Fanon Pick for the rest of time. They can fall below that point, but they always keep that distinction.

Twilight Sparkle - 21
Rarity - 20
Applejack - 21
Pinkie Pie - 21
Fluttershy - 21
Rainbow Dash - 21
Spike the Dragon - 11
Sunny Starscout - 26
Izzy Moonbow - 21
Zipp Storm - 23
Sprout - 7 (-1. Dig that boy further into his hole.)
Princess Celestia - 20
Princess Luna - 21
Princess Cadance - 19
Shining Armor - 20
Ember - 20
Thorax - 27 (-2. Sorry about this. He may be cute, but he's not THAT cute.)
Gallus - 20
Silverstream - 20
Smolder - 20
Yona - 21
Ocellus - 21 (+1. Cutie Pie book bug.)
Nightmare Moon - 18
Queen Chrysalis - 14
King Sombra - 11
Lord Tirek - 21
The Storm King - 15
Cozy Glow - 20
Grogar - 17
Gilda - 18
Trixie - 21
Discord - 23
Sunset Shimmer - 22
Starlight Glimmer - 20
Star Swirl the Bearded - 18
Cheerilee - 20
Cheese Sandwich - 22
Sunburst - 20
Zecora - 20
Little Strongheart - 20
Angel - 20
Winona - 20
Opalescence - 17
Gummy - 20
Tank - 20
Ditzy Doo - 25
Vinyl Scratch - 21
Thumbs Up
You're doing your best, and that's awesome.

I can see the purpose of Zaron's rule, but I don't think there is much point to giving some creature a title for hitting 40 or more points, esp. when any creature that gets to double its starting points is very likely to win the thread anyways. Zaron wants to pick favorites and avoid fights until all we got left is favorites and picking fights Tongue

Twilight Sparkle - 21
Rarity - 20
Applejack - 21
Pinkie Pie - 21
Fluttershy - 21
Rainbow Dash - 21
Spike the Dragon - 11
Sunny Starscout - 26
Izzy Moonbow - 21
Zipp Storm - 23
Sprout - 4 (-3 He cheated and joined late and he's still gonna be one of the first out)
Princess Celestia - 20
Princess Luna - 21
Princess Cadance - 19
Shining Armor - 20
Ember - 20
Thorax - 28 (+1 Honestly now I just want to see Thorax hit 30 at this point, since Zaron gave me a target to shoot for lol)
Gallus - 20
Silverstream - 20
Smolder - 20
Yona - 21
Ocellus - 21
Nightmare Moon - 18
Queen Chrysalis - 14
King Sombra - 11
Lord Tirek - 21
The Storm King - 15
Cozy Glow - 20
Grogar - 17
Gilda - 18
Trixie - 21
Discord - 23
Sunset Shimmer - 22
Starlight Glimmer - 20
Star Swirl the Bearded - 18
Cheerilee - 20
Cheese Sandwich - 22
Sunburst - 20
Zecora - 20
Little Strongheart - 20
Angel - 20
Winona - 20
Opalescence - 17
Gummy - 20
Tank - 20
Ditzy Doo - 25
Vinyl Scratch - 21
Kazzie has the best pony OCs
My OCs (made by Kaz): Obsidian Lights, Astral Glow, Glistening Gemstone
[Image: obsidian%20lights%20200.png][Image: astral%20glow%20200.png][Image: glistening%20gemstone%20200.png]

True. Maybe being 30 isn't as invincible as Zaron thinks it is. It's just a large number, at best.

Twilight Sparkle - 21
Rarity - 20
Applejack - 21
Pinkie Pie - 21
Fluttershy - 21
Rainbow Dash - 21
Spike the Dragon - 11
Sunny Starscout - 26
Izzy Moonbow - 21
Zipp Storm - 23
Sprout - 1 (-3. OUT, LITTLE PONY.)
Princess Celestia - 20
Princess Luna - 21
Princess Cadance - 19
Shining Armor - 20
Ember - 20
Thorax - 28
Gallus - 20
Silverstream - 20
Smolder - 20
Yona - 21
Ocellus - 21
Nightmare Moon - 18
Queen Chrysalis - 14
King Sombra - 11
Lord Tirek - 21
The Storm King - 15
Cozy Glow - 20
Grogar - 17
Gilda - 18
Trixie - 22 (+1 only for that one cute face she did that one time.)
Discord - 23
Sunset Shimmer - 22
Starlight Glimmer - 20
Star Swirl the Bearded - 18
Cheerilee - 20
Cheese Sandwich - 22
Sunburst - 20
Zecora - 20
Little Strongheart - 20
Angel - 20
Winona - 20
Opalescence - 17
Gummy - 20
Tank - 20
Ditzy Doo - 25
Vinyl Scratch - 21
Thumbs Up
You're doing your best, and that's awesome.

To be fair, any number is invincible if enough people will fight to protect it. I guess the rule is a dud tho.

Twilight Sparkle - 21
Rarity - 20
Applejack - 21
Pinkie Pie - 21
Fluttershy - 21
Rainbow Dash - 21
Spike the Dragon - 11
Sunny Starscout - 26
Izzy Moonbow - 21
Zipp Storm - 23
Sprout - 0 (-1 KO)
Princess Celestia - 20
Princess Luna - 21
Princess Cadance - 19
Shining Armor - 20
Ember - 20
Thorax - 29 (+1 nearly invincible once again)
Gallus - 20
Silverstream - 20
Smolder - 20
Yona - 21
Ocellus - 21
Nightmare Moon - 18
Queen Chrysalis - 14
King Sombra - 9 (-2)
Lord Tirek - 21
The Storm King - 15
Cozy Glow - 20
Grogar - 17
Gilda - 18
Trixie - 22
Discord - 23
Sunset Shimmer - 22
Starlight Glimmer - 20
Star Swirl the Bearded - 18
Cheerilee - 20
Cheese Sandwich - 22
Sunburst - 20
Zecora - 20
Little Strongheart - 20
Angel - 20
Winona - 20
Opalescence - 17
Gummy - 20
Tank - 20
Ditzy Doo - 25
Vinyl Scratch - 21
Kazzie has the best pony OCs
My OCs (made by Kaz): Obsidian Lights, Astral Glow, Glistening Gemstone
[Image: obsidian%20lights%20200.png][Image: astral%20glow%20200.png][Image: glistening%20gemstone%20200.png]

Twilight Sparkle - 21
Rarity - 20
Applejack - 21
Pinkie Pie - 21
Fluttershy - 21
Rainbow Dash - 21
Spike the Dragon - 11
Sunny Starscout - 27 (+1. She's such a charming beacon of joy.)
Izzy Moonbow - 21
Zipp Storm - 23
Princess Celestia - 20
Princess Luna - 21
Princess Cadance - 19
Shining Armor - 20
Ember - 20
Thorax - 27 (-2. Lmao, not just yet. Gotta let that simmer a bit. Smile )
Gallus - 20
Silverstream - 20
Smolder - 20
Yona - 21
Ocellus - 21
Nightmare Moon - 18
Queen Chrysalis - 14
King Sombra - 8 (-1. Brand new punching bag.)
Lord Tirek - 21
The Storm King - 15
Cozy Glow - 20
Grogar - 17
Gilda - 18
Trixie - 22
Discord - 23
Sunset Shimmer - 22
Starlight Glimmer - 20
Star Swirl the Bearded - 18
Cheerilee - 20
Cheese Sandwich - 22
Sunburst - 20
Zecora - 20
Little Strongheart - 20
Angel - 20
Winona - 20
Opalescence - 17
Gummy - 20
Tank - 20
Ditzy Doo - 25
Vinyl Scratch - 21
Thumbs Up
You're doing your best, and that's awesome.

Twilight Sparkle - 21
Rarity - 20
Applejack - 21
Pinkie Pie - 21
Fluttershy - 21
Rainbow Dash - 21
Spike the Dragon - 11
Sunny Starscout - 24 (-3 Fight picking time)
Izzy Moonbow - 21
Zipp Storm - 23
Princess Celestia - 20
Princess Luna - 21
Princess Cadance - 19
Shining Armor - 20
Ember - 20
Thorax - 28 (+1 Must defend best bug)
Gallus - 20
Silverstream - 20
Smolder - 20
Yona - 21
Ocellus - 21
Nightmare Moon - 18
Queen Chrysalis - 14
King Sombra - 8
Lord Tirek - 21
The Storm King - 15
Cozy Glow - 20
Grogar - 17
Gilda - 18
Trixie - 22
Discord - 23
Sunset Shimmer - 22
Starlight Glimmer - 20
Star Swirl the Bearded - 18
Cheerilee - 20
Cheese Sandwich - 22
Sunburst - 20
Zecora - 20
Little Strongheart - 20
Angel - 20
Winona - 20
Opalescence - 17
Gummy - 20
Tank - 20
Ditzy Doo - 25
Vinyl Scratch - 21
Kazzie has the best pony OCs
My OCs (made by Kaz): Obsidian Lights, Astral Glow, Glistening Gemstone
[Image: obsidian%20lights%20200.png][Image: astral%20glow%20200.png][Image: glistening%20gemstone%20200.png]

Twilight Sparkle - 22 (+1. Ya'll remember that Tirek fight? I remember that Tirek fight.)
Rarity - 20
Applejack - 21
Pinkie Pie - 21
Fluttershy - 21
Rainbow Dash - 21
Spike the Dragon - 11
Sunny Starscout - 24
Izzy Moonbow - 21
Zipp Storm - 23
Princess Celestia - 20
Princess Luna - 21
Princess Cadance - 19
Shining Armor - 20
Ember - 20
Thorax - 28 (Lmao, I know the start to a prisoner's dilemma when I see one. I won't detract anymore. Was just a one time thing. Smile)
Gallus - 20
Silverstream - 20
Smolder - 18. (-2. Smolder is... passably rough.)
Yona - 21
Ocellus - 21
Nightmare Moon - 18
Queen Chrysalis - 14
King Sombra - 8
Lord Tirek - 21
The Storm King - 15
Cozy Glow - 19 (-1. Nerf the little maniac into the ground.)
Grogar - 17
Gilda - 18
Trixie - 22
Discord - 23
Sunset Shimmer - 22
Starlight Glimmer - 20
Star Swirl the Bearded - 18
Cheerilee - 20
Cheese Sandwich - 22
Sunburst - 20
Zecora - 20
Little Strongheart - 20
Angel - 20
Winona - 20
Opalescence - 17
Gummy - 20
Tank - 20
Ditzy Doo - 25
Vinyl Scratch - 21
Thumbs Up
You're doing your best, and that's awesome.

Twilight Sparkle - 22
Rarity - 20
Applejack - 21
Pinkie Pie - 21
Fluttershy - 21
Rainbow Dash - 21
Spike the Dragon - 11
Sunny Starscout - 24
Izzy Moonbow - 21
Zipp Storm - 23
Princess Celestia - 20
Princess Luna - 21
Princess Cadance - 19
Shining Armor - 20
Ember - 20
Thorax - 29 (+1 Sure it was. Also, its not really a prisoner's dilemma if we can talk, is it?)
Gallus - 20
Silverstream - 20
Smolder - 18
Yona - 21
Ocellus - 21
Nightmare Moon - 18
Queen Chrysalis - 14
King Sombra - 5 (-3)
Lord Tirek - 21
The Storm King - 15
Cozy Glow - 19
Grogar - 17
Gilda - 18
Trixie - 22
Discord - 23
Sunset Shimmer - 22
Starlight Glimmer - 20
Star Swirl the Bearded - 18
Cheerilee - 20
Cheese Sandwich - 22
Sunburst - 20
Zecora - 20
Little Strongheart - 20
Angel - 20
Winona - 20
Opalescence - 17
Gummy - 20
Tank - 20
Ditzy Doo - 25
Vinyl Scratch - 21
Kazzie has the best pony OCs
My OCs (made by Kaz): Obsidian Lights, Astral Glow, Glistening Gemstone
[Image: obsidian%20lights%20200.png][Image: astral%20glow%20200.png][Image: glistening%20gemstone%20200.png]

Twilight Sparkle - 23 (+1. Twilight's adorkable.)
Rarity - 20
Applejack - 21
Pinkie Pie - 21
Fluttershy - 21
Rainbow Dash - 21
Spike the Dragon - 11
Sunny Starscout - 24
Izzy Moonbow - 21
Zipp Storm - 23
Princess Celestia - 19 (-1. Hate to say it; not best princess.)
Princess Luna - 21
Princess Cadance - 19
Shining Armor - 20
Ember - 20
Thorax - 29 (Idk, maybe I'm thinking of something else. The one where we both benefit if we're both nice to each other.)
Gallus - 20
Silverstream - 20
Smolder - 18
Yona - 21
Ocellus - 21
Nightmare Moon - 18
Queen Chrysalis - 12 (-2. Down with psycho bug queen!)
King Sombra - 5
Lord Tirek - 21
The Storm King - 15
Cozy Glow - 19
Grogar - 17
Gilda - 18
Trixie - 22
Discord - 23
Sunset Shimmer - 22
Starlight Glimmer - 20
Star Swirl the Bearded - 18
Cheerilee - 20
Cheese Sandwich - 22
Sunburst - 20
Zecora - 20
Little Strongheart - 20
Angel - 20
Winona - 20
Opalescence - 17
Gummy - 20
Tank - 20
Ditzy Doo - 25
Vinyl Scratch - 21
Thumbs Up
You're doing your best, and that's awesome.

Twilight Sparkle - 23
Rarity - 20
Applejack - 21
Pinkie Pie - 21
Fluttershy - 21
Rainbow Dash - 21
Spike the Dragon - 11
Sunny Starscout - 24
Izzy Moonbow - 21
Zipp Storm - 23
Princess Celestia - 19
Princess Luna - 21
Princess Cadance - 19
Shining Armor - 20
Ember - 20
Thorax - 30 (+1 Goal achieved, even if we didn't agree on the rule afterall Big Grin I mean, its not too unlike a prisoners dilemma, the game theory works out pretty similarly, but not knowing if your accomplice will rat you out or not is what makes it a dilemma)
Gallus - 20
Silverstream - 20
Smolder - 18
Yona - 21
Ocellus - 21
Nightmare Moon - 18
Queen Chrysalis - 12
King Sombra - 2 (-3 queen buggo has to go, but lets finish what we started first)
Lord Tirek - 21
The Storm King - 15
Cozy Glow - 19
Grogar - 17
Gilda - 18
Trixie - 22
Discord - 23
Sunset Shimmer - 22
Starlight Glimmer - 20
Star Swirl the Bearded - 18
Cheerilee - 20
Cheese Sandwich - 22
Sunburst - 20
Zecora - 20
Little Strongheart - 20
Angel - 20
Winona - 20
Opalescence - 17
Gummy - 20
Tank - 20
Ditzy Doo - 25
Vinyl Scratch - 21
Kazzie has the best pony OCs
My OCs (made by Kaz): Obsidian Lights, Astral Glow, Glistening Gemstone
[Image: obsidian%20lights%20200.png][Image: astral%20glow%20200.png][Image: glistening%20gemstone%20200.png]

Twilight Sparkle - 23
Rarity - 20
Applejack - 21
Pinkie Pie - 21
Fluttershy - 21
Rainbow Dash - 21
Spike the Dragon - 11
Sunny Starscout - 24
Izzy Moonbow - 21
Zipp Storm - 23
Princess Celestia - 19
Princess Luna - 21
Princess Cadance - 19
Shining Armor - 20
Ember - 20
Thorax - 30
Gallus - 20
Silverstream - 20
Smolder - 18
Yona - 21
Ocellus - 21
Nightmare Moon - 18
Queen Chrysalis - 12
Lord Tirek - 21
The Storm King - 15
Cozy Glow - 18 (-1. Whack the child tyrant!)
Grogar - 17
Gilda - 18
Trixie - 22
Discord - 24 (+1. We all love him now that he's a good guy.)
Sunset Shimmer - 22
Starlight Glimmer - 20
Star Swirl the Bearded - 18
Cheerilee - 20
Cheese Sandwich - 22
Sunburst - 20
Zecora - 20
Little Strongheart - 20
Angel - 20
Winona - 20
Opalescence - 17
Gummy - 20
Tank - 20
Ditzy Doo - 25
Vinyl Scratch - 21
Thumbs Up
You're doing your best, and that's awesome.

Twilight Sparkle - 23
Rarity - 20
Applejack - 21
Pinkie Pie - 21
Fluttershy - 21
Rainbow Dash - 21
Spike the Dragon - 11
Sunny Starscout - 24
Izzy Moonbow - 21
Zipp Storm - 23
Princess Celestia - 19
Princess Luna - 21
Princess Cadance - 19
Shining Armor - 20
Ember - 20
Thorax - 30
Gallus - 20
Silverstream - 20
Smolder - 18
Yona - 21
Ocellus - 21
Nightmare Moon - 18
Queen Chrysalis - 9 (-3)
Lord Tirek - 21
The Storm King - 15
Cozy Glow - 18
Grogar - 17
Gilda - 18
Trixie - 22
Discord - 24
Sunset Shimmer - 23 (+1 best bitch)
Starlight Glimmer - 20
Star Swirl the Bearded - 18
Cheerilee - 20
Cheese Sandwich - 22
Sunburst - 20
Zecora - 20
Little Strongheart - 20
Angel - 20
Winona - 20
Opalescence - 17
Gummy - 20
Tank - 20
Ditzy Doo - 25
Vinyl Scratch - 21
Kazzie has the best pony OCs
My OCs (made by Kaz): Obsidian Lights, Astral Glow, Glistening Gemstone
[Image: obsidian%20lights%20200.png][Image: astral%20glow%20200.png][Image: glistening%20gemstone%20200.png]

Twilight Sparkle - 24 (+1. Adorkable hoers.)
Rarity - 20
Applejack - 21
Pinkie Pie - 21
Fluttershy - 21
Rainbow Dash - 21
Spike the Dragon - 11
Sunny Starscout - 24
Izzy Moonbow - 21
Zipp Storm - 23
Princess Celestia - 19
Princess Luna - 21
Princess Cadance - 19
Shining Armor - 20
Ember - 20
Thorax - 30
Gallus - 20
Silverstream - 20
Smolder - 18
Yona - 21
Ocellus - 21
Nightmare Moon - 18
Queen Chrysalis - 9
Lord Tirek - 21
The Storm King - 15
Cozy Glow - 18
Grogar - 17
Gilda - 17 (-1. We all know why.)
Trixie - 22
Discord - 24
Sunset Shimmer - 23
Starlight Glimmer - 20
Star Swirl the Bearded - 18
Cheerilee - 20
Cheese Sandwich - 22
Sunburst - 20
Zecora - 20
Little Strongheart - 20
Angel - 19 (-1. He's just a little too much of an asshole.)
Winona - 20
Opalescence - 17
Gummy - 20
Tank - 19 (-1. Background pet.)
Ditzy Doo - 25
Vinyl Scratch - 21
Thumbs Up
You're doing your best, and that's awesome.

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