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Best Pony Elimination

Twilight Sparkle - 24
Rarity - 20
Applejack - 21
Pinkie Pie - 21
Fluttershy - 21
Rainbow Dash - 21
Spike the Dragon - 11
Sunny Starscout - 24
Izzy Moonbow - 21
Zipp Storm - 23
Princess Celestia - 19
Princess Luna - 21
Princess Cadance - 19
Shining Armor - 20
Ember - 20
Thorax - 30
Gallus - 20
Silverstream - 20
Smolder - 18
Yona - 21
Ocellus - 21
Nightmare Moon - 18
Queen Chrysalis - 6 (-3 down with bug bitch)
Lord Tirek - 21
The Storm King - 15
Cozy Glow - 18
Grogar - 17
Gilda - 17
Trixie - 22
Discord - 24
Sunset Shimmer - 24 (+1 best bitch)
Starlight Glimmer - 20
Star Swirl the Bearded - 18
Cheerilee - 20
Cheese Sandwich - 22
Sunburst - 20
Zecora - 20
Little Strongheart - 20
Angel - 19
Winona - 20
Opalescence - 17
Gummy - 20
Tank - 19
Ditzy Doo - 25
Vinyl Scratch - 21
Kazzie has the best pony OCs
My OCs (made by Kaz): Obsidian Lights, Astral Glow, Glistening Gemstone
[Image: obsidian%20lights%20200.png][Image: astral%20glow%20200.png][Image: glistening%20gemstone%20200.png]

Twilight Sparkle - 24
Rarity - 20
Applejack - 21
Pinkie Pie - 21
Fluttershy - 22 (+1. Gotta love shy butter horse.)
Rainbow Dash - 21
Spike the Dragon - 11
Sunny Starscout - 24
Izzy Moonbow - 21
Zipp Storm - 23
Princess Celestia - 19
Princess Luna - 21
Princess Cadance - 19
Shining Armor - 20
Ember - 20
Thorax - 30
Gallus - 20
Silverstream - 20
Smolder - 18
Yona - 21
Ocellus - 21
Nightmare Moon - 18
Queen Chrysalis - 4 (-2. We're all gonna love the defeat of the queen.)
The Storm King - 15
Cozy Glow - 18
Grogar - 17
Gilda - 17
Trixie - 22
Discord - 24
Sunset Shimmer - 23 (-1. She's cool, but not the best.)
Starlight Glimmer - 20
Star Swirl the Bearded - 18
Cheerilee - 20
Cheese Sandwich - 22
Sunburst - 20
Zecora - 20
Little Strongheart - 20
Angel - 19
Winona - 20
Opalescence - 17
Gummy - 20
Tank - 19
Ditzy Doo - 25
Vinyl Scratch - 21
Thumbs Up
You're doing your best, and that's awesome.

Twilight Sparkle - 24
Rarity - 20
Applejack - 21
Pinkie Pie - 21
Fluttershy - 22
Rainbow Dash - 21
Spike the Dragon - 11
Sunny Starscout - 24
Izzy Moonbow - 21
Zipp Storm - 23
Princess Celestia - 19
Princess Luna - 21
Princess Cadance - 19
Shining Armor - 20
Ember - 20
Thorax - 30
Gallus - 20
Silverstream - 20
Smolder - 18
Yona - 21
Ocellus - 21
Nightmare Moon - 18
Queen Chrysalis - 1 (-3 which will be very soon....)
The Storm King - 15
Cozy Glow - 18
Grogar - 17
Gilda - 17
Trixie - 22
Discord - 24
Sunset Shimmer - 24 (+1 she's not cool, she's a bitch Big Grin)
Starlight Glimmer - 20
Star Swirl the Bearded - 18
Cheerilee - 20
Cheese Sandwich - 22
Sunburst - 20
Zecora - 20
Little Strongheart - 20
Angel - 19
Winona - 20
Opalescence - 17
Gummy - 20
Tank - 19
Ditzy Doo - 25
Vinyl Scratch - 21
Kazzie has the best pony OCs
My OCs (made by Kaz): Obsidian Lights, Astral Glow, Glistening Gemstone
[Image: obsidian%20lights%20200.png][Image: astral%20glow%20200.png][Image: glistening%20gemstone%20200.png]

You know, I think I figured out a good meta for this.
If you keep bumping up one character, that's just gonna put a target on their back. It might be best to play it subtly, just until it gets more compact and blood-thirsty around here.
That said...

Twilight Sparkle - 24
Rarity - 20
Applejack - 21
Pinkie Pie - 21
Fluttershy - 22
Rainbow Dash - 21
Spike the Dragon - 11
Sunny Starscout - 24
Izzy Moonbow - 21
Zipp Storm - 23
Princess Celestia - 19
Princess Luna - 21
Princess Cadance - 19
Shining Armor - 20
Ember - 20
Thorax - 30
Gallus - 20
Silverstream - 20
Smolder - 18
Yona - 21
Ocellus - 21
Nightmare Moon - 18
Queen Chrysalis - 0 (-1. Writhe in your stony corpse for all of time, you wretched old hag.)
The Storm King - 15
Cozy Glow - 18
Grogar - 17
Gilda - 17
Trixie - 22
Discord - 24
Sunset Shimmer - 22 (-2. Sorry, I'm gonna have to temper expectations here.)
Starlight Glimmer - 20
Star Swirl the Bearded - 18
Cheerilee - 20
Cheese Sandwich - 22
Sunburst - 20
Zecora - 21 (+1. Gotta give our resident Zebra some love.)
Little Strongheart - 20
Angel - 19
Winona - 20
Opalescence - 17
Gummy - 20
Tank - 19
Ditzy Doo - 25
Vinyl Scratch - 21
Thumbs Up
You're doing your best, and that's awesome.

You are very correct. However, I didn't start the thread to think. I came here to play! After all, why be subtle when I can settle for mutual assured destruction?

Twilight Sparkle - 21 (-3 I'm either on the money, or I take her down a peg Big Grin)
Rarity - 20
Applejack - 21
Pinkie Pie - 21
Fluttershy - 22
Rainbow Dash - 21
Spike the Dragon - 11
Sunny Starscout - 24
Izzy Moonbow - 21
Zipp Storm - 23
Princess Celestia - 19
Princess Luna - 21
Princess Cadance - 19
Shining Armor - 20
Ember - 20
Thorax - 30
Gallus - 20
Silverstream - 20
Smolder - 18
Yona - 21
Ocellus - 21
Nightmare Moon - 18
Queen Chrysalis - -3 (-3 and an extra kick in the dick, just for you!)
The Storm King - 15
Cozy Glow - 18
Grogar - 17
Gilda - 17
Trixie - 22
Discord - 24
Sunset Shimmer - 23 (+1)
Starlight Glimmer - 20
Star Swirl the Bearded - 18
Cheerilee - 20
Cheese Sandwich - 22
Sunburst - 20
Zecora - 21
Little Strongheart - 20
Angel - 19
Winona - 20
Opalescence - 17
Gummy - 20
Tank - 19
Ditzy Doo - 25
Vinyl Scratch - 21

I am in fight picking mode Big Grin
Kazzie has the best pony OCs
My OCs (made by Kaz): Obsidian Lights, Astral Glow, Glistening Gemstone
[Image: obsidian%20lights%20200.png][Image: astral%20glow%20200.png][Image: glistening%20gemstone%20200.png]

Lmao, love the Chrysalis humiliation.

Twilight Sparkle - 21
Rarity - 20
Applejack - 21
Pinkie Pie - 21
Fluttershy - 22
Rainbow Dash - 21
Spike the Dragon - 11
Sunny Starscout - 24
Izzy Moonbow - 21
Zipp Storm - 23
Princess Celestia - 19
Princess Luna - 21
Princess Cadance - 19
Shining Armor - 20
Ember - 20
Thorax - 27 (-3. You've had your moment in the sun, dear prince. Time to come back down to earth.)
Gallus - 20
Silverstream - 20
Smolder - 18
Yona - 21
Ocellus - 21
Nightmare Moon - 18
The Storm King - 15
Cozy Glow - 18
Grogar - 17
Gilda - 17
Trixie - 22
Discord - 24
Sunset Shimmer - 23
Starlight Glimmer - 20
Star Swirl the Bearded - 18
Cheerilee - 21 (+1. She ain't payed enough for this nonsense.)
Cheese Sandwich - 22
Sunburst - 20
Zecora - 21
Little Strongheart - 20
Angel - 19
Winona - 20
Opalescence - 17
Gummy - 20
Tank - 19
Ditzy Doo - 25
Vinyl Scratch - 21
Thumbs Up
You're doing your best, and that's awesome.

Lmao, love the Chrysalis humiliation.

Twilight Sparkle - 18 (-3 This shall do for now)
Rarity - 20
Applejack - 21
Pinkie Pie - 21
Fluttershy - 22
Rainbow Dash - 21
Spike the Dragon - 11
Sunny Starscout - 24
Izzy Moonbow - 21
Zipp Storm - 23
Princess Celestia - 19
Princess Luna - 21
Princess Cadance - 19
Shining Armor - 20
Ember - 20
Thorax - 28 (+1 saw that coming lol)
Gallus - 20
Silverstream - 20
Smolder - 18
Yona - 21
Ocellus - 21
Nightmare Moon - 18
The Storm King - 15
Cozy Glow - 18
Grogar - 17
Gilda - 17
Trixie - 22
Discord - 24
Sunset Shimmer - 23
Starlight Glimmer - 20
Star Swirl the Bearded - 18
Cheerilee - 21
Cheese Sandwich - 22
Sunburst - 20
Zecora - 21
Little Strongheart - 20
Angel - 19
Winona - 20
Opalescence - 17
Gummy - 20
Tank - 19
Ditzy Doo - 25
Vinyl Scratch - 21
Kazzie has the best pony OCs
My OCs (made by Kaz): Obsidian Lights, Astral Glow, Glistening Gemstone
[Image: obsidian%20lights%20200.png][Image: astral%20glow%20200.png][Image: glistening%20gemstone%20200.png]

Twilight Sparkle - 19 (+1.)
Rarity - 20
Applejack - 21
Pinkie Pie - 21
Fluttershy - 22
Rainbow Dash - 21
Spike the Dragon - 11
Sunny Starscout - 24
Izzy Moonbow - 21
Zipp Storm - 23
Princess Celestia - 19
Princess Luna - 21
Princess Cadance - 19
Shining Armor - 20
Ember - 20
Thorax - 26 (-2)
Gallus - 20
Silverstream - 20
Smolder - 18
Yona - 21
Ocellus - 21
Nightmare Moon - 18
The Storm King - 14 (-1)
Cozy Glow - 18
Grogar - 17
Gilda - 17
Trixie - 22
Discord - 24
Sunset Shimmer - 23
Starlight Glimmer - 20
Star Swirl the Bearded - 18
Cheerilee - 21
Cheese Sandwich - 22
Sunburst - 20
Zecora - 21
Little Strongheart - 20
Angel - 19
Winona - 20
Opalescence - 17
Gummy - 20
Tank - 19
Ditzy Doo - 25
Vinyl Scratch - 21
Thumbs Up
You're doing your best, and that's awesome.

Twilight Sparkle - 21
Rarity - 20
Applejack - 21
Pinkie Pie - 21
Fluttershy - 22
Rainbow Dash - 21
Spike the Dragon - 11
Sunny Starscout - 23 (-1 NAH)
Izzy Moonbow - 21
Zipp Storm - 23
Princess Celestia - 19
Princess Luna - 21
Princess Cadance - 18 (-1 Princess of Love, Princess of BORING.)
Shining Armor - 20
Ember - 20
Thorax - 27 
Gallus - 20
Silverstream - 20
Smolder - 18
Yona - 21
Ocellus - 21
Nightmare Moon - 18
The Storm King - 15
Cozy Glow - 18
Grogar - 17
Gilda - 17
Trixie - 22
Discord - 24
Sunset Shimmer - 23
Starlight Glimmer - 20
Star Swirl the Bearded - 18
Cheerilee - 21 
Cheese Sandwich - 22
Sunburst - 20
Zecora - 21
Little Strongheart - 19 (-1 Who the fak are you?)
Angel - 19
Winona - 20
Opalescence - 17
Gummy - 20
Tank - 19
Ditzy Doo - 25
Vinyl Scratch - 22 +1 Best Pone.

Uh, I think Kaz might have messed things up? Twilight jumped up to 20 something again.

EDIT: Okay, I figured out what happened pretty sure: She copied off my last post at the same time Spritz was posting, but Spritz was just a bit faster! I'll fix the table and then update my tallies Tongue

Twilight Sparkle - 17 (-2)
Rarity - 20
Applejack - 21
Pinkie Pie - 21
Fluttershy - 21 (-1)
Rainbow Dash - 21
Spike the Dragon - 11
Sunny Starscout - 23
Izzy Moonbow - 21
Zipp Storm - 23
Princess Celestia - 19
Princess Luna - 21
Princess Cadance - 18
Shining Armor - 20
Ember - 20
Thorax - 26
Gallus - 20
Silverstream - 20
Smolder - 18
Yona - 21
Ocellus - 21
Nightmare Moon - 18
The Storm King - 14
Cozy Glow - 18
Grogar - 17
Gilda - 17
Trixie - 22
Discord - 24
Sunset Shimmer - 23
Starlight Glimmer - 20
Star Swirl the Bearded - 18
Cheerilee - 21
Cheese Sandwich - 22
Sunburst - 20
Zecora - 21
Little Strongheart - 20 (+1 Seriously, no one remember the buffalo? I swear Zaron even had them in the LH opening pages!)
Angel - 19
Winona - 20
Opalescence - 17
Gummy - 20
Tank - 19
Ditzy Doo - 25
Vinyl Scratch - 22
Kazzie has the best pony OCs
My OCs (made by Kaz): Obsidian Lights, Astral Glow, Glistening Gemstone
[Image: obsidian%20lights%20200.png][Image: astral%20glow%20200.png][Image: glistening%20gemstone%20200.png]

Twilight Sparkle - 18 (+1)
Rarity - 20
Applejack - 21
Pinkie Pie - 21
Fluttershy - 21
Rainbow Dash - 21
Spike the Dragon - 11
Sunny Starscout - 23
Izzy Moonbow - 21
Zipp Storm - 23
Princess Celestia - 19
Princess Luna - 21
Princess Cadance - 18
Shining Armor - 20
Ember - 20
Thorax - 25 (-1. Just a little more to manageable levels.)
Gallus - 20
Silverstream - 20
Smolder - 18
Yona - 21
Ocellus - 21
Nightmare Moon - 18
The Storm King - 14
Cozy Glow - 18
Grogar - 17
Gilda - 17
Trixie - 22
Discord - 24
Sunset Shimmer - 23
Starlight Glimmer - 20
Star Swirl the Bearded - 18
Cheerilee - 21
Cheese Sandwich - 22
Sunburst - 20
Zecora - 21
Little Strongheart - 19 (-1. I remember, but that doesn't mean she's good.)
Angel - 19
Winona - 20
Opalescence - 17
Gummy - 20
Tank - 18 (-1)
Ditzy Doo - 25
Vinyl Scratch - 22
Thumbs Up
You're doing your best, and that's awesome.

Twilight Sparkle - 16 (-2 I was on the money!)
Rarity - 20
Applejack - 21
Pinkie Pie - 21
Fluttershy - 21
Rainbow Dash - 21
Spike the Dragon - 11
Sunny Starscout - 23
Izzy Moonbow - 21
Zipp Storm - 23
Princess Celestia - 19
Princess Luna - 21
Princess Cadance - 18
Shining Armor - 20
Ember - 20
Thorax - 26 (+1 Sorry, you're gonna have to remove more than 1 to keep him down)
Gallus - 20
Silverstream - 20
Smolder - 18
Yona - 21
Ocellus - 21
Nightmare Moon - 18
The Storm King - 13 (-1 Slowly work on the meh I suppose)
Cozy Glow - 18
Grogar - 17
Gilda - 17
Trixie - 22
Discord - 24
Sunset Shimmer - 23
Starlight Glimmer - 20
Star Swirl the Bearded - 18
Cheerilee - 21
Cheese Sandwich - 22
Sunburst - 20
Zecora - 21
Little Strongheart - 19 (Fair enough. I don't have a particular sweet spot for her, I just don't want to see her done dirty by someone who doesn't remember the buffalo. Oh, and the buffalo ARE on the first couple pages of LH. I just checked.)
Angel - 19
Winona - 20
Opalescence - 17
Gummy - 20
Tank - 18
Ditzy Doo - 25
Vinyl Scratch - 22
Kazzie has the best pony OCs
My OCs (made by Kaz): Obsidian Lights, Astral Glow, Glistening Gemstone
[Image: obsidian%20lights%20200.png][Image: astral%20glow%20200.png][Image: glistening%20gemstone%20200.png]

Twilight Sparkle - 16
Rarity - 20
Applejack - 21
Pinkie Pie - 21
Fluttershy - 21
Rainbow Dash - 21
Spike the Dragon - 11
Sunny Starscout - 24 (+1. The pony that saved the future.)
Izzy Moonbow - 21
Zipp Storm - 23
Princess Celestia - 19
Princess Luna - 21
Princess Cadance - 18
Shining Armor - 20
Ember - 20
Thorax - 24 (-2. Welcome back, king.)
Gallus - 20
Silverstream - 20
Smolder - 18
Yona - 21
Ocellus - 21
Nightmare Moon - 18
The Storm King - 13
Cozy Glow - 18
Grogar - 16 (-1)
Gilda - 17
Trixie - 22
Discord - 24
Sunset Shimmer - 23
Starlight Glimmer - 20
Star Swirl the Bearded - 18
Cheerilee - 21
Cheese Sandwich - 22
Sunburst - 20
Zecora - 21
Little Strongheart - 19
Angel - 19
Winona - 20
Opalescence - 17
Gummy - 20
Tank - 18
Ditzy Doo - 25
Thumbs Up
You're doing your best, and that's awesome.

Twilight Sparkle - 15 (-1 for extra measure)
Rarity - 20
Applejack - 21
Pinkie Pie - 21
Fluttershy - 21
Rainbow Dash - 21
Spike the Dragon - 11
Sunny Starscout - 24 (Lucky for you, I won't touch Zaron's precious, for now)
Izzy Moonbow - 21
Zipp Storm - 23
Princess Celestia - 19
Princess Luna - 21
Princess Cadance - 18
Shining Armor - 20
Ember - 20
Thorax - 25 (+1 not if I have anything to say about it!)
Gallus - 20
Silverstream - 20
Smolder - 18
Yona - 21
Ocellus - 21
Nightmare Moon - 18
The Storm King - 11 (-2)
Cozy Glow - 18
Grogar - 16
Gilda - 17
Trixie - 22
Discord - 24
Sunset Shimmer - 23
Starlight Glimmer - 20
Star Swirl the Bearded - 18
Cheerilee - 21
Cheese Sandwich - 22
Sunburst - 20
Zecora - 21
Little Strongheart - 19
Angel - 19
Winona - 20
Opalescence - 17
Gummy - 20
Tank - 18
Ditzy Doo - 25

And I think I'm going to call it here for tonight and close the tab, lest I never go to sleep or something lol.
Kazzie has the best pony OCs
My OCs (made by Kaz): Obsidian Lights, Astral Glow, Glistening Gemstone
[Image: obsidian%20lights%20200.png][Image: astral%20glow%20200.png][Image: glistening%20gemstone%20200.png]

Twilight Sparkle - 16 (+1. Time to bring her back up to snuff.)
Rarity - 20
Applejack - 21
Pinkie Pie - 21
Fluttershy - 21
Rainbow Dash - 21
Spike the Dragon - 11
Sunny Starscout - 24
Izzy Moonbow - 21
Zipp Storm - 23
Princess Celestia - 19
Princess Luna - 21
Princess Cadance - 18
Shining Armor - 20
Ember - 20
Thorax - 25 (Lmao, good time for a ceasefire.)
Gallus - 20
Silverstream - 20
Smolder - 18
Yona - 21
Ocellus - 21
Nightmare Moon - 18
The Storm King - 8 (-3. Lolelmayo, time pulverize this fool.)
Cozy Glow - 18
Grogar - 16
Gilda - 17
Trixie - 22
Discord - 24
Sunset Shimmer - 23
Starlight Glimmer - 20
Star Swirl the Bearded - 18
Cheerilee - 21
Cheese Sandwich - 22
Sunburst - 20
Zecora - 21
Little Strongheart - 19
Angel - 19
Winona - 20
Opalescence - 17
Gummy - 20
Tank - 18
Ditzy Doo - 25
Thumbs Up
You're doing your best, and that's awesome.

Fucking massacre in here. Leave you alone for a couple days, damn :|

Twilight Sparkle - 16
Rarity - 20
Applejack - 21
Pinkie Pie - 21
Fluttershy - 21
Rainbow Dash - 21
Spike the Dragon - 8 (-3 because I'm in a bad mood and he's an easy target I can't believe y'all let Cozy Glow outlive Chrysallis what the hell)
Sunny Starscout - 25 (+1 to protect her from a wife who is lashing out about the new generation even though she's seen even less of the last one than I have and still has not had her parenting instincts set in by Dead Dad Syndrome to realize my precious daughter is our precious daughter like some sort of communist parenting sympathy)
Izzy Moonbow - 21
Zipp Storm - 23
Princess Celestia - 19
Princess Luna - 21
Princess Cadance - 18
Shining Armor - 20
Ember - 20
Thorax - 25
Gallus - 20
Silverstream - 20
Smolder - 18
Yona - 21
Ocellus - 21
Nightmare Moon - 18
The Storm King - 8
Cozy Glow - 18
Grogar - 16
Gilda - 17
Trixie - 22
Discord - 24
Sunset Shimmer - 23
Starlight Glimmer - 20
Star Swirl the Bearded - 18
Cheerilee - 21
Cheese Sandwich - 22
Sunburst - 20
Zecora - 21
Little Strongheart - 19
Angel - 19
Winona - 20
Opalescence - 17
Gummy - 20
Tank - 18
Ditzy Doo - 25

RIP Chrysallis my beloved bitch queen. May you live on in our hearts until your appearance in like oh god chapter 8 or some shit oh jesus. I cannot wait to make everyone hate you for entirely different reasons and then drag you kicking and screaming into fresh-baked humble pie. Also the anthro porn of you tends to be A+ very nice thumbs up. You will be missed.

Twilight Sparkle - 17 (+1)
Rarity - 20
Applejack - 21
Pinkie Pie - 21
Fluttershy - 21
Rainbow Dash - 21
Spike the Dragon - 8
Sunny Starscout - 25
Izzy Moonbow - 21
Zipp Storm - 23
Princess Celestia - 19
Princess Luna - 21
Princess Cadance - 18
Shining Armor - 20
Ember - 20
Thorax - 25
Gallus - 20
Silverstream - 20
Smolder - 18
Yona - 21
Ocellus - 21
Nightmare Moon - 18
The Storm King - 8
Cozy Glow - 15 (-3. Oh right, she's here.)
Grogar - 16
Gilda - 17
Trixie - 22
Discord - 24
Sunset Shimmer - 23
Starlight Glimmer - 20
Star Swirl the Bearded - 18
Cheerilee - 21
Cheese Sandwich - 22
Sunburst - 20
Zecora - 21
Little Strongheart - 19
Angel - 19
Winona - 20
Opalescence - 17
Gummy - 20
Tank - 18
Ditzy Doo - 25
Thumbs Up
You're doing your best, and that's awesome.

Twilight Sparkle - 17
Rarity - 20
Applejack - 21
Pinkie Pie - 21
Fluttershy - 21
Rainbow Dash - 21
Spike the Dragon - 8
Sunny Starscout - 25
Izzy Moonbow - 21
Zipp Storm - 23
Princess Celestia - 19
Princess Luna - 21
Princess Cadance - 18
Shining Armor - 20
Ember - 20
Thorax - 25
Gallus - 20
Silverstream - 20
Smolder - 18
Yona - 21
Ocellus - 21
Nightmare Moon - 18
The Storm King - 8 (Very surprised this isn't just another name for Sombra, considering?? Whatcha doin' MLP?)
Cozy Glow - 15
Grogar - 15 (-1 looked you up you're not even a pony which puts you on the early shit list but also you don't even look interesting??? I bet you're just a cranky old man and you're gonna see how I feel about those in a minute.)
Gilda - 17
Trixie - 22
Discord - 24
Sunset Shimmer - 23
Starlight Glimmer - 20
Star Swirl the Bearded - 16 (-2 rude old man not even a sexy wizard smh at least Sunburst is kinda hot to a certain demo. Also there can only be one cranky old man and that cranky old man is me.)
Cheerilee - 21
Cheese Sandwich - 22
Sunburst - 20
Zecora - 21
Little Strongheart - 19
Angel - 19
Winona - 20
Opalescence - 17
Gummy - 20
Tank - 18
Ditzy Doo - 25 (+1 precious bean inevitable power)

Twilight Sparkle - 17
Rarity - 20
Applejack - 21
Pinkie Pie - 21
Fluttershy - 21
Rainbow Dash - 21
Spike the Dragon - 8
Sunny Starscout - 25
Izzy Moonbow - 21
Zipp Storm - 23
Princess Celestia - 19
Princess Luna - 21
Princess Cadance - 18
Shining Armor - 20
Ember - 20
Thorax - 25
Gallus - 20
Silverstream - 20
Smolder - 18
Yona - 21
Ocellus - 21
Nightmare Moon - 18
The Storm King - 5 (-3. MURDER THIS MAN, WE DON'T NEED HIM.)
Cozy Glow - 15
Grogar - 15
Gilda - 17
Trixie - 22
Discord - 24
Sunset Shimmer - 23
Starlight Glimmer - 20
Star Swirl the Bearded - 16
Cheerilee - 21
Cheese Sandwich - 22
Sunburst - 20
Zecora - 21
Little Strongheart - 19
Angel - 19
Winona - 20
Opalescence - 17
Gummy - 20
Tank - 18
Ditzy Doo - 26 (+1. Very cute, very adorable.)
Thumbs Up
You're doing your best, and that's awesome.

Twilight Sparkle - 17
Rarity - 20
Applejack - 21
Pinkie Pie - 21
Fluttershy - 21
Rainbow Dash - 21
Spike the Dragon - 8
Sunny Starscout - 25
Izzy Moonbow - 21
Zipp Storm - 23
Princess Celestia - 19
Princess Luna - 21
Princess Cadance - 18
Shining Armor - 20
Ember - 20
Thorax - 25
Gallus - 20
Silverstream - 20
Smolder - 18
Yona - 21
Ocellus - 21
Nightmare Moon - 18
The Storm King - 2 (-3)
Cozy Glow - 15
Grogar - 15
Gilda - 17
Trixie - 22
Discord - 24
Sunset Shimmer - 24 (+1)
Starlight Glimmer - 20
Star Swirl the Bearded - 16
Cheerilee - 21
Cheese Sandwich - 22
Sunburst - 20
Zecora - 21
Little Strongheart - 19
Angel - 19
Winona - 20
Opalescence - 17
Gummy - 20
Tank - 18
Ditzy Doo - 26
Kazzie has the best pony OCs
My OCs (made by Kaz): Obsidian Lights, Astral Glow, Glistening Gemstone
[Image: obsidian%20lights%20200.png][Image: astral%20glow%20200.png][Image: glistening%20gemstone%20200.png]

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