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Best Pony Elimination

Twilight Sparkle - 19
Rarity - 20
Applejack - 21
Pinkie Pie - 23 (+1 for being one of the last ones I super care about that isn't in the 25 squad. You know how she is about being left out.)
Fluttershy - 21
Rainbow Dash - 21
Spike the Dragon - 4
Sunny Starscout - 25
Izzy Moonbow - 25
Zipp Storm - 24
Princess Celestia - 19
Princess Luna - 22
Princess Cadance - 11 (-3 because you're above the fold and absurdly milquetoast)
Shining Armor - 20
Ember - 20
Thorax - 25
Gallus - 20
Silverstream - 20
Smolder - 18
Yona - 21
Ocellus - 21
Nightmare Moon - 18
Grogar - 6 
Lord Tirek - 21
Gilda - 17
Trixie - 24 (Pray that we can get one to 6 and the other to 9 and then close the thread forever.)
Discord - 25
Sunset Shimmer - 25
Starlight Glimmer - 20
Star Swirl the Bearded - 11
Cheerilee - 20
Cheese Sandwich - 22
Sunburst - 20
Zecora - 21
Little Strongheart - 19
Angel - 19
Winona - 19
Opalescence - 17
Gummy - 20
Tank - 18
Ditzy Doo - 26

I think you Skipped me, Z.
Thumbs Up
You're doing your best, and that's awesome.

Yeah, I think he did, 'cause Trixie bounced back magically. We're on the 3rd page now (well, I am, I think its 6th page for everyone else)!

EDIT I'll just fix the table again.

Twilight Sparkle - 19 (-1 Bring her down a smidge Tongue)

Rarity - 20
Applejack - 21
Pinkie Pie - 23
Fluttershy - 21
Rainbow Dash - 21
Spike the Dragon - 2
Sunny Starscout - 25
Izzy Moonbow - 25
Zipp Storm - 24
Princess Celestia - 19
Princess Luna - 22
Princess Cadance - 11
Shining Armor - 20
Ember - 20
Thorax - 25
Gallus - 20
Silverstream - 20
Smolder - 18
Yona - 21
Ocellus - 21
Nightmare Moon - 18
Grogar - 4 (-2)
Lord Tirek - 21
Gilda - 17
Trixie - 24 (+1)
Discord - 25
Sunset Shimmer - 25
Starlight Glimmer - 20
Star Swirl the Bearded - 11
Cheerilee - 20
Cheese Sandwich - 22
Sunburst - 20
Zecora - 21
Little Strongheart - 19
Angel - 19
Winona - 19
Opalescence - 17
Gummy - 20
Tank - 18
Ditzy Doo - 26
Kazzie has the best pony OCs
My OCs (made by Kaz): Obsidian Lights, Astral Glow, Glistening Gemstone
[Image: obsidian%20lights%20200.png][Image: astral%20glow%20200.png][Image: glistening%20gemstone%20200.png]

Twilight Sparkle - 20 (+1. 20 is baseline, do not.)
Rarity - 20
Applejack - 21
Pinkie Pie - 23
Fluttershy - 21
Rainbow Dash - 21
Spike the Dragon - 2
Sunny Starscout - 25
Izzy Moonbow - 25
Zipp Storm - 24
Princess Celestia - 19
Princess Luna - 22
Princess Cadance - 11
Shining Armor - 20
Ember - 20
Thorax - 25
Gallus - 20
Silverstream - 20
Smolder - 18
Yona - 21
Ocellus - 21
Nightmare Moon - 18
Grogar - 2 (-2. Crotchy old goat.)
Lord Tirek - 21
Gilda - 17
Trixie - 24
Discord - 25
Sunset Shimmer - 25
Starlight Glimmer - 20
Star Swirl the Bearded - 11
Cheerilee - 20
Cheese Sandwich - 22
Sunburst - 20
Zecora - 21
Little Strongheart - 19
Angel - 19
Winona - 19
Opalescence - 17
Gummy - 19 (-1)
Tank - 18
Ditzy Doo - 26
Thumbs Up
You're doing your best, and that's awesome.

Twilight Sparkle - 20
Rarity - 20
Applejack - 21
Pinkie Pie - 23
Fluttershy - 21
Rainbow Dash - 21
Spike the Dragon - 2
Sunny Starscout - 25
Izzy Moonbow - 25
Zipp Storm - 24
Princess Celestia - 19
Princess Luna - 22
Princess Cadance - 11
Shining Armor - 20
Ember - 20
Thorax - 25
Gallus - 20
Silverstream - 20
Smolder - 18
Yona - 21
Ocellus - 21
Nightmare Moon - 18
Grogar - 0 (-2 No more)
Lord Tirek - 21
Gilda - 17
Trixie - 25 (+1)
Discord - 25
Sunset Shimmer - 25
Starlight Glimmer - 20
Star Swirl the Bearded - 11
Cheerilee - 20
Cheese Sandwich - 22
Sunburst - 19 (-1 Meh)
Zecora - 21
Little Strongheart - 19
Angel - 19
Winona - 19
Opalescence - 17
Gummy - 19
Tank - 18
Ditzy Doo - 26
Kazzie has the best pony OCs
My OCs (made by Kaz): Obsidian Lights, Astral Glow, Glistening Gemstone
[Image: obsidian%20lights%20200.png][Image: astral%20glow%20200.png][Image: glistening%20gemstone%20200.png]

Twilight Sparkle - 20
Rarity - 20
Applejack - 21
Pinkie Pie - 23
Fluttershy - 21
Rainbow Dash - 21
Spike the Dragon - 3 (+1)
Sunny Starscout - 25
Izzy Moonbow - 25
Zipp Storm - 24
Princess Celestia - 19
Princess Luna - 22
Princess Cadance - 11
Shining Armor - 20
Ember - 20
Thorax - 25
Gallus - 20
Silverstream - 20
Smolder - 18
Yona - 21
Ocellus - 21
Nightmare Moon - 18
Lord Tirek - 21
Gilda - 17
Trixie - 25
Discord - 25
Sunset Shimmer - 25
Starlight Glimmer - 20
Star Swirl the Bearded - 11
Cheerilee - 19 (-1)
Cheese Sandwich - 20 (-2)
Sunburst - 19
Zecora - 21
Little Strongheart - 19
Angel - 19
Winona - 19
Opalescence - 17
Gummy - 19
Tank - 18
Ditzy Doo - 26
Thumbs Up
You're doing your best, and that's awesome.

Twilight Sparkle - 20
Rarity - 20
Applejack - 21
Pinkie Pie - 23
Fluttershy - 21
Rainbow Dash - 21
Spike the Dragon - 4 (+1 Not sure adding points to Spike isn't already futile, but sure, why not.)
Sunny Starscout - 25
Izzy Moonbow - 25
Zipp Storm - 24
Princess Celestia - 19
Princess Luna - 22
Princess Cadance - 11
Shining Armor - 17 (-3 meh)
Ember - 20
Thorax - 25
Gallus - 20
Silverstream - 20
Smolder - 18
Yona - 21
Ocellus - 21
Nightmare Moon - 18
Lord Tirek - 21
Gilda - 17
Trixie - 25
Discord - 25
Sunset Shimmer - 25
Starlight Glimmer - 20
Star Swirl the Bearded - 11
Cheerilee - 19
Cheese Sandwich - 20
Sunburst - 19
Zecora - 21
Little Strongheart - 19
Angel - 19
Winona - 19
Opalescence - 17
Gummy - 19
Tank - 18
Ditzy Doo - 26
Kazzie has the best pony OCs
My OCs (made by Kaz): Obsidian Lights, Astral Glow, Glistening Gemstone
[Image: obsidian%20lights%20200.png][Image: astral%20glow%20200.png][Image: glistening%20gemstone%20200.png]

Twilight Sparkle - 20
Rarity - 20
Applejack - 21
Pinkie Pie - 23
Fluttershy - 21
Rainbow Dash - 21
Spike the Dragon - 4
Sunny Starscout - 25
Izzy Moonbow - 25
Zipp Storm - 24
Princess Celestia - 19
Princess Luna - 22
Princess Cadance - 11
Shining Armor - 17
Ember - 20
Thorax - 25
Gallus - 20
Silverstream - 20
Smolder - 18
Yona - 21
Ocellus - 21
Nightmare Moon - 18
Lord Tirek - 21
Gilda - 17
Trixie - 25
Discord - 25
Sunset Shimmer - 25
Starlight Glimmer - 21 (+1. Good Glim-Glim.)
Star Swirl the Bearded - 11
Cheerilee - 19
Cheese Sandwich - 20
Sunburst - 19
Zecora - 21
Little Strongheart - 16 (-3. Look, we gotta start getting rid of SOMEBODY.)
Angel - 19
Winona - 19
Opalescence - 17
Gummy - 19
Tank - 18
Ditzy Doo - 26
Thumbs Up
You're doing your best, and that's awesome.

I'm just working down my "meh" list for as long as we're trying not to fight. There's still plenty of meh to go that no one seems interested in contesting lol.

Twilight Sparkle - 20
Rarity - 20
Applejack - 21
Pinkie Pie - 23
Fluttershy - 21
Rainbow Dash - 21
Spike the Dragon - 4
Sunny Starscout - 25
Izzy Moonbow - 25
Zipp Storm - 24
Princess Celestia - 19
Princess Luna - 22
Princess Cadance - 11
Shining Armor - 14 (-3)
Ember - 20
Thorax - 25
Gallus - 20
Silverstream - 20
Smolder - 18
Yona - 21
Ocellus - 21
Nightmare Moon - 18
Lord Tirek - 21
Gilda - 17
Trixie - 25
Discord - 25
Sunset Shimmer - 25
Starlight Glimmer - 22 (+1 agreed)
Star Swirl the Bearded - 11
Cheerilee - 19
Cheese Sandwich - 20
Sunburst - 19
Zecora - 21
Little Strongheart - 16 (I like her, but not enough to come to her defense. Well, except for when people don't know who she is but we're past that lol)
Angel - 19
Winona - 19
Opalescence - 17
Gummy - 19
Tank - 18
Ditzy Doo - 26
Kazzie has the best pony OCs
My OCs (made by Kaz): Obsidian Lights, Astral Glow, Glistening Gemstone
[Image: obsidian%20lights%20200.png][Image: astral%20glow%20200.png][Image: glistening%20gemstone%20200.png]

Twilight Sparkle - 20
Rarity - 20
Applejack - 21
Pinkie Pie - 23
Fluttershy - 21
Rainbow Dash - 21
Spike the Dragon - 4
Sunny Starscout - 25
Izzy Moonbow - 25
Zipp Storm - 24
Princess Celestia - 19
Princess Luna - 22
Princess Cadance - 11
Shining Armor - 14
Ember - 20
Thorax - 25
Gallus - 20
Silverstream - 20
Smolder - 18
Yona - 21
Ocellus - 21
Nightmare Moon - 18
Lord Tirek - 21
Gilda - 17
Trixie - 25
Discord - 25
Sunset Shimmer - 25
Starlight Glimmer - 19 (-3, shots fired. She is simply Worse-In-Every-Way Sunset, fight me. Also statistically her superfans seem to be just, like, the most uncomfortable people to deal with imo, though this is less the fault of her characterization [as she basically has none for like two seasons, shots fired a second fucking time] and more just a fun mystery that will puzzle scholars to the end of time I guess. Probably projection?? "glim has no friends?? I have no friends!! Marry me!!" Insufferable. Trixie can survive without Glimmer but Glimmer is quite literally a nothing sandwich with a side of nope sauce without Trixie. Yes, I will die on this hill.)
Star Swirl the Bearded - 11
Cheerilee - 19
Cheese Sandwich - 21 (+1 how dare you take shots at Weird Al where is your soul)
Sunburst - 19
Zecora - 21
Little Strongheart - 16
Angel - 19
Winona - 19
Opalescence - 17
Gummy - 19
Tank - 18
Ditzy Doo - 26

Twilight Sparkle - 20
Rarity - 20
Applejack - 21
Pinkie Pie - 23
Fluttershy - 21
Rainbow Dash - 21
Spike the Dragon - 4
Sunny Starscout - 25
Izzy Moonbow - 25
Zipp Storm - 24
Princess Celestia - 19
Princess Luna - 22
Princess Cadance - 11
Shining Armor - 11 (-3 Meh)
Ember - 20
Thorax - 25
Gallus - 20
Silverstream - 20
Smolder - 18
Yona - 21
Ocellus - 21
Nightmare Moon - 18
Lord Tirek - 21
Gilda - 17
Trixie - 25
Discord - 25
Sunset Shimmer - 25
Starlight Glimmer - 20 (+1 I think its just the one Draco guy honestly. I've never met any other wacko Starlight fans personally. Also, you probably won't die on this hill, because even if me and Spritz co-ordinated to protect Starlight, we can only add 2 points for your 3 removed, so we'd have to go out of our way to go back and forth a lot to build her up, and I doubt that simply because we've already fired shots at each other and as far as I can tell, are back to a ceasefire out of mutual interest to avoid MUD more than anything else, and Spritz doesn't seem keen on letting anypony get to powerful. The game is very much stacked in favor of the detractor, after all Tongue)
Star Swirl the Bearded - 11
Cheerilee - 19
Cheese Sandwich - 21 (No one took a shot a cheese??? EDIT Nvm, Spritz did lol)
Sunburst - 19
Zecora - 21
Little Strongheart - 16
Angel - 19
Winona - 19
Opalescence - 17
Gummy - 19
Tank - 18
Ditzy Doo - 26
Kazzie has the best pony OCs
My OCs (made by Kaz): Obsidian Lights, Astral Glow, Glistening Gemstone
[Image: obsidian%20lights%20200.png][Image: astral%20glow%20200.png][Image: glistening%20gemstone%20200.png]

Twilight Sparkle - 20
Rarity - 20
Applejack - 2
Pinkie Pie - 23
Fluttershy - 21
Rainbow Dash - 21
Spike the Dragon - 2 (-2 Still Not a Pony)
Sunny Starscout - 25
Izzy Moonbow - 25
Zipp Storm - 24
Princess Celestia - 19
Princess Luna - 23 (+1 Moon Stuff)
Princess Cadance - 11
Shining Armor - 11
Ember - 20
Thorax - 25
Gallus - 20
Silverstream - 20
Smolder - 18
Yona - 21
Ocellus - 21
Nightmare Moon - 18
Lord Tirek - 21
Gilda - 17
Trixie - 25
Discord - 25
Sunset Shimmer - 25
Starlight Glimmer - 20
Star Swirl the Bearded - 11
Cheerilee - 19
Cheese Sandwich - 21
Sunburst - 19
Zecora - 21
Little Strongheart - 16
Angel - 19
Winona - 19
Opalescence - 17
Gummy - 19
Tank - 18
Ditzy Doo - 25 (-1 Let's just have a massive tie for first place rather than one pony pulling ahead; nothing against the actual character though just spreading a tiny bit of chaos)

Twilight Sparkle - 20
Rarity - 20
Applejack - 2
Pinkie Pie - 23
Fluttershy - 21
Rainbow Dash - 21
Spike the Dragon - 2
Sunny Starscout - 25
Izzy Moonbow - 25
Zipp Storm - 24
Princess Celestia - 19
Princess Luna - 23
Princess Cadance - 11
Shining Armor - 8 (-3)
Ember - 20
Thorax - 25
Gallus - 20
Silverstream - 20
Smolder - 18
Yona - 21
Ocellus - 21
Nightmare Moon - 18
Lord Tirek - 21
Gilda - 17
Trixie - 25
Discord - 25
Sunset Shimmer - 25
Starlight Glimmer - 21 (+1)
Star Swirl the Bearded - 11
Cheerilee - 19
Cheese Sandwich - 21
Sunburst - 19
Zecora - 21
Little Strongheart - 16
Angel - 19
Winona - 19
Opalescence - 17
Gummy - 19
Tank - 18
Ditzy Doo - 25
Kazzie has the best pony OCs
My OCs (made by Kaz): Obsidian Lights, Astral Glow, Glistening Gemstone
[Image: obsidian%20lights%20200.png][Image: astral%20glow%20200.png][Image: glistening%20gemstone%20200.png]

Twilight Sparkle - 20
Rarity - 20
Applejack - 2
Pinkie Pie - 23
Fluttershy - 21
Rainbow Dash - 21
Spike the Dragon - 2
Sunny Starscout - 25
Izzy Moonbow - 25
Zipp Storm - 24
Princess Celestia - 19
Princess Luna - 23
Princess Cadance - 11
Shining Armor - 8
Ember - 20
Thorax - 25
Gallus - 20
Silverstream - 20
Smolder - 18
Yona - 21
Ocellus - 21
Nightmare Moon - 18
Lord Tirek - 21
Gilda - 17
Trixie - 25
Discord - 25
Sunset Shimmer - 25
Starlight Glimmer - 21
Star Swirl the Bearded - 8 (-3)
Cheerilee - 19
Cheese Sandwich - 21
Sunburst - 19
Zecora - 21
Little Strongheart - 16
Angel - 19
Winona - 19
Opalescence - 17
Gummy - 19
Tank - 18
Ditzy Doo - 26 (+1)
Thumbs Up
You're doing your best, and that's awesome.

Twilight Sparkle - 20
Rarity - 20
Applejack - 2
Pinkie Pie - 23
Fluttershy - 21
Rainbow Dash - 21
Spike the Dragon - 2
Sunny Starscout - 25
Izzy Moonbow - 25
Zipp Storm - 24
Princess Celestia - 19
Princess Luna - 23
Princess Cadance - 11
Shining Armor - 5 (-3)
Ember - 20
Thorax - 25
Gallus - 20
Silverstream - 20
Smolder - 18
Yona - 21
Ocellus - 21
Nightmare Moon - 18
Lord Tirek - 21
Gilda - 17
Trixie - 25
Discord - 25
Sunset Shimmer - 25
Starlight Glimmer - 22 (+1)
Star Swirl the Bearded - 8
Cheerilee - 19
Cheese Sandwich - 21
Sunburst - 19
Zecora - 21
Little Strongheart - 16
Angel - 19
Winona - 19
Opalescence - 17
Gummy - 19
Tank - 18
Ditzy Doo - 26
Kazzie has the best pony OCs
My OCs (made by Kaz): Obsidian Lights, Astral Glow, Glistening Gemstone
[Image: obsidian%20lights%20200.png][Image: astral%20glow%20200.png][Image: glistening%20gemstone%20200.png]

I'm doing it. I'm gonna start mass downvoting things that ARENT ponies that get eliminated BEFORE ponies. ITs bullshit and people should fear my wrath.

Twilight Sparkle - 20
Rarity - 20
Applejack - 21
Pinkie Pie - 23
Fluttershy - 21
Rainbow Dash - 21
Spike the Dragon - 2
Sunny Starscout - 25
Izzy Moonbow - 25
Zipp Storm - 24
Princess Celestia - 19
Princess Luna - 23
Princess Cadance - 11
Shining Armor - 5
Ember - 20
Thorax - 25
Gallus - 20
Silverstream - 20
Smolder - 18
Yona - 21
Ocellus - 21
Nightmare Moon - 18
Lord Tirek - 21
Gilda - 17
Trixie - 25
Discord - 25
Sunset Shimmer - 25
Starlight Glimmer - 22
Star Swirl the Bearded - 8
Cheerilee - 19
Cheese Sandwich - 21
Sunburst - 19
Zecora - 21
Little Strongheart - 13 (-3) You're first.
Angel - 19
Winona - 19
Opalescence - 17
Gummy - 19
Tank - 18
Ditzy Doo - 27  (+1 My BABY?! WHO HURT YOU. Momma's pissed.)

my mfw face when  RACISM   DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

Twilight Sparkle - 20
Rarity - 20
Applejack - 21
Pinkie Pie - 23
Fluttershy - 21
Rainbow Dash - 21
Spike the Dragon - 2
Sunny Starscout - 25
Izzy Moonbow - 25
Zipp Storm - 24
Princess Celestia - 19
Princess Luna - 23
Princess Cadance - 11
Shining Armor - 2 (-3)
Ember - 20
Thorax - 25
Gallus - 20
Silverstream - 20
Smolder - 18
Yona - 21
Ocellus - 21
Nightmare Moon - 18
Lord Tirek - 21
Gilda - 17
Trixie - 25
Discord - 25
Sunset Shimmer - 25
Starlight Glimmer - 23 (+1)
Star Swirl the Bearded - 8
Cheerilee - 19
Cheese Sandwich - 21
Sunburst - 19
Zecora - 21
Little Strongheart - 13
Angel - 19
Winona - 19
Opalescence - 17
Gummy - 19
Tank - 18
Ditzy Doo - 27
Vinyl Scratch - 22 (Hey, we dropped her on the second page, and no one noticed D: )
Kazzie has the best pony OCs
My OCs (made by Kaz): Obsidian Lights, Astral Glow, Glistening Gemstone
[Image: obsidian%20lights%20200.png][Image: astral%20glow%20200.png][Image: glistening%20gemstone%20200.png]

I agree with Kaz tho, it ain't racism it's literally called "BEST PONY ELIMINATION" and half the list is disqualified by word choice u_u Y'all wanna fight for the Apple family dog before most of the Apple family smh

Twilight Sparkle - 20
Rarity - 20
Applejack - 22 (+1 for family)
Pinkie Pie - 23
Fluttershy - 21
Rainbow Dash - 21
Spike the Dragon - 2
Sunny Starscout - 25
Izzy Moonbow - 25
Zipp Storm - 24
Princess Celestia - 19
Princess Luna - 23
Princess Cadance - 11
Shining Armor - 2 (-3)
Ember - 20
Thorax - 25
Gallus - 20
Silverstream - 20
Smolder - 18
Yona - 21
Ocellus - 21
Nightmare Moon - 18
Lord Tirek - 21
Gilda - 17
Trixie - 25
Discord - 25
Sunset Shimmer - 25
Starlight Glimmer - 20 (-3 it is not just Draco lmao Kaz's stalker has glim all over his profile too and while I love her I've a friend who's a little weirdo and proud of it and also a massive glimmer fan so I'll lump her in too u_u Also I'm not even the one who came up with the "Glimmer fans are weirdos" thing!!! That was someone else!! I just cannot unsee it and also I don't like her I think she's boring as shit.)
Star Swirl the Bearded - 8
Cheerilee - 19
Cheese Sandwich - 21
Sunburst - 19
Zecora - 21
Little Strongheart - 13
Angel - 19
Winona - 19
Opalescence - 17
Gummy - 19
Tank - 18
Ditzy Doo - 27
Vinyl Scratch - 22 (It's called STEALTH MODE and she probably DID IT ON PURPOSE she is LIKE THIS)

Twilight Sparkle - 20
Rarity - 20
Applejack - 22
Pinkie Pie - 23
Fluttershy - 21
Rainbow Dash - 21
Spike the Dragon - 2
Sunny Starscout - 25
Izzy Moonbow - 25
Zipp Storm - 24
Princess Celestia - 19
Princess Luna - 23
Princess Cadance - 11
Shining Armor - 0 (-2 no more)
Ember - 20
Thorax - 25
Gallus - 20
Silverstream - 20
Smolder - 18
Yona - 21
Ocellus - 21
Nightmare Moon - 18
Lord Tirek - 22 (+1)
Gilda - 17
Trixie - 25
Discord - 25
Sunset Shimmer - 25
Starlight Glimmer - 20
Star Swirl the Bearded - 8
Cheerilee - 18 (-1)
Cheese Sandwich - 21
Sunburst - 19
Zecora - 21
Little Strongheart - 13
Angel - 19
Winona - 19
Opalescence - 17
Gummy - 19
Tank - 18
Ditzy Doo - 27
Vinyl Scratch - 22
Kazzie has the best pony OCs
My OCs (made by Kaz): Obsidian Lights, Astral Glow, Glistening Gemstone
[Image: obsidian%20lights%20200.png][Image: astral%20glow%20200.png][Image: glistening%20gemstone%20200.png]

Twilight Sparkle - 20
Rarity - 20
Applejack - 22
Pinkie Pie - 23
Fluttershy - 21
Rainbow Dash - 21
Spike the Dragon - 0 (-2 for the satisfaction of murder, giving me a brief sense of accomplishment somehow. Dopamine!)
Sunny Starscout - 25
Izzy Moonbow - 25
Zipp Storm - 24
Princess Celestia - 19
Princess Luna - 23
Princess Cadance - 10 (-1, peaked as a babysitter)
Ember - 20
Thorax - 25
Gallus - 20
Silverstream - 20
Smolder - 18
Yona - 21
Ocellus - 21
Nightmare Moon - 18
Lord Tirek - 22
Gilda - 17
Trixie - 25
Discord - 25
Sunset Shimmer - 25
Starlight Glimmer - 20
Star Swirl the Bearded - 8
Cheerilee - 18
Cheese Sandwich - 21
Sunburst - 19
Zecora - 21
Little Strongheart - 13
Angel - 19
Winona - 19
Opalescence - 17
Gummy - 19
Tank - 18
Ditzy Doo - 27
Vinyl Scratch - 23 (+1 thanks for all the funny faces this week babe, A+)

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