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Best Pony Elimination

Twilight Sparkle - 20
Rarity - 20
Applejack - 21
Pinkie Pie - 20
Fluttershy - 21
Rainbow Dash - 20
Spike the Dragon - 15
Sunny Starscout - 22 (+1 to protect her come the inevitable future wars.)
Izzy Moonbow - 20
Pipp Petals - 18
Zipp Storm - 23
Princess Celestia - 20
Princess Luna - 20
Princess Cadance - 20
Shining Armor - 20
Ember - 20
Thorax - 24
Gallus - 20
Silverstream - 20
Smolder - 20
Yona - 20
Sandbar - 4 (-3 I don't know who you are but Yuri hates you it seems and you look like a particularly uninspired fan OC)
Ocellus - 20
Nightmare Moon - 20
Queen Chrysalis - 17
King Sombra - 19
Lord Tirek - 20
The Storm King - 20
Cozy Glow - 20
Grogar - 19
Gilda - 20
Trixie - 21
Discord - 20
Sunset Shimmer - 22
Starlight Glimmer - 20
Star Swirl the Bearded - 18
Mayor Mare - 12
Cheerilee - 20
Cheese Sandwich - 21
Sunburst - 20
Zecora - 20
Little Strongheart - 20
Angel - 20
Winona - 20
Opalescence - 17
Gummy - 20
Tank - 20
Ditzy Doo - 24
Vinyl Scratch - 21

Twilight Sparkle - 20
Rarity - 20
Applejack - 21
Pinkie Pie - 20
Fluttershy - 21
Rainbow Dash - 20
Spike the Dragon - 15
Sunny Starscout - 22
Izzy Moonbow - 20
Pipp Petals - 18
Zipp Storm - 23
Princess Celestia - 20
Princess Luna - 20
Princess Cadance - 20
Shining Armor - 20
Ember - 20
Thorax - 25 (+1 best bug)
Gallus - 20
Silverstream - 20
Smolder - 20
Yona - 20
Sandbar - 1 (-3 Nothing personal, he just the most bland pony in the list and I don't feel like starting a war just yet lol)
Ocellus - 20
Nightmare Moon - 20
Queen Chrysalis - 17
King Sombra - 19
Lord Tirek - 20
The Storm King - 20
Cozy Glow - 20
Grogar - 19
Gilda - 20
Trixie - 21
Discord - 20
Sunset Shimmer - 22
Starlight Glimmer - 20
Star Swirl the Bearded - 18
Mayor Mare - 12
Cheerilee - 20
Cheese Sandwich - 21
Sunburst - 20
Zecora - 20
Little Strongheart - 20
Angel - 20
Winona - 20
Opalescence - 17
Gummy - 20
Tank - 20
Ditzy Doo - 24
Vinyl Scratch - 21
Kazzie has the best pony OCs
My OCs (made by Kaz): Obsidian Lights, Astral Glow, Glistening Gemstone
[Image: obsidian%20lights%20200.png][Image: astral%20glow%20200.png][Image: glistening%20gemstone%20200.png]

Twilight Sparkle - 20
Rarity - 20
Applejack - 21
Pinkie Pie - 20
Fluttershy - 21
Rainbow Dash - 20
Spike the Dragon - 15
Sunny Starscout - 23 (+1, same reasons)
Izzy Moonbow - 20
Pipp Petals - 18
Zipp Storm - 23
Princess Celestia - 20
Princess Luna - 20
Princess Cadance - 20
Shining Armor - 20
Ember - 20
Thorax - 25
Gallus - 20
Silverstream - 20
Smolder - 20
Yona - 20
Sandbar - 0 (-1, DESTROYED)
Ocellus - 20
Nightmare Moon - 20
Queen Chrysalis - 17
King Sombra - 19
Lord Tirek - 20
The Storm King - 20
Cozy Glow - 20
Grogar - 19
Gilda - 20
Trixie - 21
Discord - 20
Sunset Shimmer - 22
Starlight Glimmer - 20
Star Swirl the Bearded - 18
Mayor Mare - 10 (-2, I didn't forget about you, Mayor)
Cheerilee - 20
Cheese Sandwich - 21
Sunburst - 20
Zecora - 20
Little Strongheart - 20
Angel - 20
Winona - 20
Opalescence - 17
Gummy - 20
Tank - 20
Ditzy Doo - 24
Vinyl Scratch - 21

Twilight Sparkle - 20
Rarity - 20
Applejack - 21
Pinkie Pie - 20
Fluttershy - 21
Rainbow Dash - 20
Spike the Dragon - 15
Sunny Starscout - 23
Izzy Moonbow - 21 (+1 we interrupt best bug to bring you best g5 pony)
Pipp Petals - 18
Zipp Storm - 23
Princess Celestia - 20
Princess Luna - 20
Princess Cadance - 20
Shining Armor - 20
Ember - 20
Thorax - 25
Gallus - 20
Silverstream - 20
Smolder - 20
Yona - 20
Ocellus - 20
Nightmare Moon - 20
Queen Chrysalis - 17
King Sombra - 19
Lord Tirek - 20
The Storm King - 17 (-3 boring villian)
Cozy Glow - 20
Grogar - 19
Gilda - 20
Trixie - 21
Discord - 20
Sunset Shimmer - 22
Starlight Glimmer - 20
Star Swirl the Bearded - 18
Mayor Mare - 10
Cheerilee - 20
Cheese Sandwich - 21
Sunburst - 20
Zecora - 20
Little Strongheart - 20
Angel - 20
Winona - 20
Opalescence - 17
Gummy - 20
Tank - 20
Ditzy Doo - 24
Vinyl Scratch - 21
Kazzie has the best pony OCs
My OCs (made by Kaz): Obsidian Lights, Astral Glow, Glistening Gemstone
[Image: obsidian%20lights%20200.png][Image: astral%20glow%20200.png][Image: glistening%20gemstone%20200.png]

(That's a bold statement Yuri, but then I think most of them are pretty great in their own right unless their name is Pipp. Oh hey on that note I did something hope you don't mind uh oh)

Twilight Sparkle - 20
Rarity - 20
Applejack - 21
Pinkie Pie - 21 (+1 because how has this not happened yet)
Fluttershy - 21
Rainbow Dash - 20
Spike the Dragon - 15
Sunny Starscout - 23
Izzy Moonbow - 21
Pipp Petals - 17 (-1 because I thought about it)
Zipp Storm - 23
Sprout - 20 (He sucks but in that way where I love how much he sucks and I am adding him via executive decision)
Princess Celestia - 20
Princess Luna - 20
Princess Cadance - 20
Shining Armor - 20
Ember - 20
Thorax - 25
Gallus - 20
Silverstream - 20
Smolder - 20
Yona - 20
Ocellus - 20
Nightmare Moon - 20
Queen Chrysalis - 17
King Sombra - 19
Lord Tirek - 20
The Storm King - 15 (-2 because I don't know you and need to kiss up to Yuri while I still can so she knows the inevitable is not personal)
Cozy Glow - 20
Grogar - 19
Gilda - 20
Trixie - 21
Discord - 20
Sunset Shimmer - 22
Starlight Glimmer - 20
Star Swirl the Bearded - 18
Mayor Mare - 10
Cheerilee - 20
Cheese Sandwich - 21
Sunburst - 20
Zecora - 20
Little Strongheart - 20
Angel - 20
Winona - 20
Opalescence - 17
Gummy - 20
Tank - 20
Ditzy Doo - 24
Vinyl Scratch - 21

Twilight Sparkle - 20
Rarity - 20
Applejack - 21
Pinkie Pie - 21
Fluttershy - 21
Rainbow Dash - 20
Spike the Dragon - 15
Sunny Starscout - 23
Izzy Moonbow - 21
Pipp Petals - 17
Zipp Storm - 23
Sprout - 20 
Princess Celestia - 20
Princess Luna - 20
Princess Cadance - 20
Shining Armor - 20
Ember - 20
Thorax - 25
Gallus - 20
Silverstream - 20
Smolder - 20
Yona - 20
Ocellus - 20
Nightmare Moon - 20
Queen Chrysalis - 14 (-3 because bug mom is a biiiiiiiiiitch)
King Sombra - 19
Lord Tirek - 20
The Storm King - 15
Cozy Glow - 20
Grogar - 19
Gilda - 20
Trixie - 21
Discord - 20
Sunset Shimmer - 22
Starlight Glimmer - 20
Star Swirl the Bearded - 18
Mayor Mare - 10
Cheerilee - 20
Cheese Sandwich - 22 (best spouse pony. Doesnt deserve to die first. Plus weird al.)
Sunburst - 20
Zecora - 20
Little Strongheart - 20
Angel - 20
Winona - 20
Opalescence - 17
Gummy - 20
Tank - 20
Ditzy Doo - 24
Vinyl Scratch - 21

Twilight Sparkle - 20
Rarity - 20
Applejack - 21
Pinkie Pie - 21
Fluttershy - 21
Rainbow Dash - 20
Spike the Dragon - 15
Sunny Starscout - 23
Izzy Moonbow - 21
Pipp Petals - 17
Zipp Storm - 23
Sprout - 20
Princess Celestia - 20
Princess Luna - 20
Princess Cadance - 20
Shining Armor - 20
Ember - 20
Thorax - 25
Gallus - 20
Silverstream - 20
Smolder - 20
Yona - 21 (+1 Yona best yak.)
Ocellus - 20
Nightmare Moon - 20
Queen Chrysalis - 14
King Sombra - 16 (-3 because Sombra's a friggen chump)
Lord Tirek - 20
The Storm King - 15
Cozy Glow - 20
Grogar - 19
Gilda - 20
Trixie - 21
Discord - 20
Sunset Shimmer - 22
Starlight Glimmer - 20
Star Swirl the Bearded - 18
Mayor Mare - 10
Cheerilee - 20
Cheese Sandwich - 22
Sunburst - 20
Zecora - 20
Little Strongheart - 20
Angel - 20
Winona - 20
Opalescence - 17
Gummy - 20
Tank - 20
Ditzy Doo - 24
Vinyl Scratch - 21
Thumbs Up
You're doing your best, and that's awesome.

Twilight Sparkle - 20
Rarity - 20
Applejack - 21
Pinkie Pie - 21
Fluttershy - 21
Rainbow Dash - 20
Spike the Dragon - 15
Sunny Starscout - 23
Izzy Moonbow - 21
Pipp Petals - 17
Zipp Storm - 23
Sprout - 20
Princess Celestia - 20
Princess Luna - 20
Princess Cadance - 20
Shining Armor - 20
Ember - 20
Thorax - 25
Gallus - 20
Silverstream - 20
Smolder - 20
Yona - 21
Ocellus - 20
Nightmare Moon - 20
Queen Chrysalis - 14
King Sombra - 15 (-1 you little bitch)
Lord Tirek - 20
The Storm King - 15
Cozy Glow - 20
Grogar - 19
Gilda - 20
Trixie - 21
Discord - 20 (+1 because, again, it seems like that should have happened by now)
Sunset Shimmer - 22
Starlight Glimmer - 20
Star Swirl the Bearded - 18
Mayor Mare - 8 (-2 in the polls)
Cheerilee - 20
Cheese Sandwich - 22
Sunburst - 20
Zecora - 20
Little Strongheart - 20
Angel - 20
Winona - 20
Opalescence - 17
Gummy - 20
Tank - 20
Ditzy Doo - 24
Vinyl Scratch - 21

Twilight Sparkle - 20
Rarity - 20
Applejack - 21
Pinkie Pie - 21
Fluttershy - 21
Rainbow Dash - 21 (+1, she is now 20% cooler, lel.)
Spike the Dragon - 15
Sunny Starscout - 23
Izzy Moonbow - 21
Pipp Petals - 17
Zipp Storm - 23
Sprout - 20
Princess Celestia - 20
Princess Luna - 20
Princess Cadance - 20
Shining Armor - 20
Ember - 20
Thorax - 25
Gallus - 20
Silverstream - 20
Smolder - 20
Yona - 21
Ocellus - 20
Nightmare Moon - 20
Queen Chrysalis - 14
King Sombra - 15
Lord Tirek - 20
The Storm King - 15
Cozy Glow - 20
Grogar - 17 (-2. Lmao, fucking wasn't even there himself.)
Gilda - 20
Trixie - 21
Discord - 20
Sunset Shimmer - 22
Starlight Glimmer - 20
Star Swirl the Bearded - 18
Mayor Mare - 8
Cheerilee - 20
Cheese Sandwich - 22
Sunburst - 20
Zecora - 20
Little Strongheart - 19 (-1. Wait, who's she again?)
Angel - 20
Winona - 20
Opalescence - 17
Gummy - 20
Tank - 20
Ditzy Doo - 24
Vinyl Scratch - 21
Thumbs Up
You're doing your best, and that's awesome.

Twilight Sparkle - 20
Rarity - 20
Applejack - 21
Pinkie Pie - 21
Fluttershy - 21
Rainbow Dash - 21 (technically you only made her 5% cooler but I get the spirit)
Spike the Dragon - 14 (-1, not even the best dragon)
Sunny Starscout - 24 (+1 to Daughter Defense)
Izzy Moonbow - 21
Pipp Petals - 17
Zipp Storm - 23
Sprout - 20
Princess Celestia - 20
Princess Luna - 20
Princess Cadance - 20
Shining Armor - 20
Ember - 20
Thorax - 25
Gallus - 20
Silverstream - 20
Smolder - 20
Yona - 21
Ocellus - 20
Nightmare Moon - 20
Queen Chrysalis - 14
King Sombra - 15
Lord Tirek - 20
The Storm King - 15
Cozy Glow - 20
Grogar - 17
Gilda - 20
Trixie - 21
Discord - 20
Sunset Shimmer - 22
Starlight Glimmer - 20
Star Swirl the Bearded - 18
Mayor Mare - 6 (-2 in the polls, it's looking bad mayor!)
Cheerilee - 20
Cheese Sandwich - 22
Sunburst - 20
Zecora - 20
Little Strongheart - 19
Angel - 20
Winona - 20
Opalescence - 17
Gummy - 20
Tank - 20
Ditzy Doo - 24
Vinyl Scratch - 21

Twilight Sparkle - 20
Rarity - 20
Applejack - 21
Pinkie Pie - 21
Fluttershy - 21
Rainbow Dash - 21
Spike the Dragon - 11 (-3 Not even the best fictional Spike)
Sunny Starscout - 24
Izzy Moonbow - 21
Pipp Petals - 17
Zipp Storm - 23
Sprout - 20
Princess Celestia - 20
Princess Luna - 20
Princess Cadance - 20
Shining Armor - 20
Ember - 20
Thorax - 25
Gallus - 20
Silverstream - 20
Smolder - 20
Yona - 21
Ocellus - 20
Nightmare Moon - 20
Queen Chrysalis - 14
King Sombra - 15
Lord Tirek - 20
The Storm King - 15
Cozy Glow - 20
Grogar - 17
Gilda - 20
Trixie - 21
Discord - 21 (+1 for Q)
Sunset Shimmer - 22
Starlight Glimmer - 20
Star Swirl the Bearded - 18
Mayor Mare - 6
Cheerilee - 20
Cheese Sandwich - 22
Sunburst - 20
Zecora - 20
Little Strongheart - 19
Angel - 20
Winona - 20
Opalescence - 17
Gummy - 20
Tank - 20
Ditzy Doo - 24
Vinyl Scratch - 21
[Image: sketch-1647801021608.png]

Shit, my plan to be every other post is failing! POST POST POST POST

Twilight Sparkle - 20

Rarity - 20
Applejack - 21
Pinkie Pie - 21
Fluttershy - 21
Rainbow Dash - 21
Spike the Dragon - 11
Sunny Starscout - 24
Izzy Moonbow - 21
Pipp Petals - 14 (-3 Yeah, I didn't care much for Pipp either, if I've got Pipp and Zipp straight)
Zipp Storm - 23
Sprout - 20 (This isn't regulation!)
Princess Celestia - 20
Princess Luna - 20
Princess Cadance - 20
Shining Armor - 20
Ember - 20
Thorax - 25
Gallus - 20
Silverstream - 20
Smolder - 20
Yona - 21
Ocellus - 20
Nightmare Moon - 20
Queen Chrysalis - 14
King Sombra - 15
Lord Tirek - 20
The Storm King - 15
Cozy Glow - 20
Grogar - 17
Gilda - 20
Trixie - 21
Discord - 22 (+0 but Zaron gave him plus 1 earlier but didn't actually add to the total, so I fixed it)
Sunset Shimmer - 22
Starlight Glimmer - 20
Star Swirl the Bearded - 18
Mayor Mare - 6
Cheerilee - 20
Cheese Sandwich - 22
Sunburst - 20
Zecora - 20
Little Strongheart - 20 (+1 How could you forget the buffalo? Nevermind actually, the show did too DSmile
Angel - 20
Winona - 20
Opalescence - 17
Gummy - 20
Tank - 20
Ditzy Doo - 24
Vinyl Scratch - 21
Kazzie has the best pony OCs
My OCs (made by Kaz): Obsidian Lights, Astral Glow, Glistening Gemstone
[Image: obsidian%20lights%20200.png][Image: astral%20glow%20200.png][Image: glistening%20gemstone%20200.png]

Twilight Sparkle - 20
Rarity - 20
Applejack - 21
Pinkie Pie - 21
Fluttershy - 21
Rainbow Dash - 21
Spike the Dragon - 11
Sunny Starscout - 24
Izzy Moonbow - 21
Pipp Petals - 11 (-3 Pipp is the pretty pink social media pest while Zipp is clearly at a single glance the queen of the lesbians, as she fucking should be)
Zipp Storm - 23
Sprout - 20 (It's NOT regulation but it DOES cheat on the character limit and ALSO maintain your goal of having this thread go on for entirely too long.)
Princess Celestia - 20
Princess Luna - 20
Princess Cadance - 20
Shining Armor - 20
Ember - 20
Thorax - 25
Gallus - 20
Silverstream - 20
Smolder - 20
Yona - 21
Ocellus - 20
Nightmare Moon - 20
Queen Chrysalis - 14
King Sombra - 15
Lord Tirek - 20
The Storm King - 15
Cozy Glow - 20
Grogar - 17
Gilda - 20
Trixie - 21
Discord - 23 (+1 I'm sorry I keep doing that, I try to catch it in edits though.)
Sunset Shimmer - 22
Starlight Glimmer - 20
Star Swirl the Bearded - 18
Mayor Mare - 6
Cheerilee - 20
Cheese Sandwich - 22
Sunburst - 20
Zecora - 20
Little Strongheart - 20
Angel - 20
Winona - 20
Opalescence - 17
Gummy - 20
Tank - 20
Ditzy Doo - 24
Vinyl Scratch - 21

Twilight Sparkle - 20
Rarity - 20
Applejack - 21
Pinkie Pie - 21
Fluttershy - 21
Rainbow Dash - 21
Spike the Dragon - 11
Sunny Starscout - 24
Izzy Moonbow - 21
Pipp Petals - 8 (-3 Yeah aight lets take her out then)
Zipp Storm - 23
Sprout - 20
Princess Celestia - 20
Princess Luna - 20
Princess Cadance - 20
Shining Armor - 20
Ember - 20
Thorax - 26 (+1 best bug)
Gallus - 20
Silverstream - 20
Smolder - 20
Yona - 21
Ocellus - 20
Nightmare Moon - 20
Queen Chrysalis - 14
King Sombra - 15
Lord Tirek - 20
The Storm King - 15
Cozy Glow - 20
Grogar - 17
Gilda - 20
Trixie - 21
Discord - 23 (is fine)
Sunset Shimmer - 22
Starlight Glimmer - 20
Star Swirl the Bearded - 18
Mayor Mare - 6
Cheerilee - 20
Cheese Sandwich - 22
Sunburst - 20
Zecora - 20
Little Strongheart - 20
Angel - 20
Winona - 20
Opalescence - 17
Gummy - 20
Tank - 20
Ditzy Doo - 24
Vinyl Scratch - 21
Kazzie has the best pony OCs
My OCs (made by Kaz): Obsidian Lights, Astral Glow, Glistening Gemstone
[Image: obsidian%20lights%20200.png][Image: astral%20glow%20200.png][Image: glistening%20gemstone%20200.png]

Twilight Sparkle - 20
Rarity - 20
Applejack - 21
Pinkie Pie - 21
Fluttershy - 21
Rainbow Dash - 21
Spike the Dragon - 11
Sunny Starscout - 25 (+1 and at least one more round of being a pain in someone's ass eventually)
Izzy Moonbow - 21
Pipp Petals - 6 (-2 red rum red rum)
Zipp Storm - 23
Sprout - 20
Princess Celestia - 20
Princess Luna - 20
Princess Cadance - 20
Shining Armor - 20
Ember - 20
Thorax - 26
Gallus - 20
Silverstream - 20
Smolder - 20
Yona - 21
Ocellus - 20
Nightmare Moon - 20
Queen Chrysalis - 14
King Sombra - 15
Lord Tirek - 20
The Storm King - 15
Cozy Glow - 20
Grogar - 17
Gilda - 20
Trixie - 21
Discord - 23
Sunset Shimmer - 22
Starlight Glimmer - 20
Star Swirl the Bearded - 18
Mayor Mare - 5 (-1 just to have her be even worse than Pipp and wonder why, an existential bit of dread, an intergenerational war, a descendant line nobody saw coming.)
Cheerilee - 20
Cheese Sandwich - 22
Sunburst - 20
Zecora - 20
Little Strongheart - 20
Angel - 20
Winona - 20
Opalescence - 17
Gummy - 20
Tank - 20
Ditzy Doo - 24
Vinyl Scratch - 21

Twilight Sparkle - 20
Rarity - 20
Applejack - 21
Pinkie Pie - 21
Fluttershy - 21
Rainbow Dash - 21
Spike the Dragon - 11
Sunny Starscout - 25
Izzy Moonbow - 21
Pipp Petals - 6
Zipp Storm - 23
Sprout - 20
Princess Celestia - 20
Princess Luna - 20
Princess Cadance - 20
Shining Armor - 20
Ember - 20
Thorax - 26
Gallus - 20
Silverstream - 20
Smolder - 20
Yona - 21
Ocellus - 20
Nightmare Moon - 20
Queen Chrysalis - 14
King Sombra - 15
Lord Tirek - 21 (+1. He has good design and powerset.)
The Storm King - 15
Cozy Glow - 20
Grogar - 17
Gilda - 20
Trixie - 21
Discord - 23
Sunset Shimmer - 22
Starlight Glimmer - 20
Star Swirl the Bearded - 18
Mayor Mare - 2 (-3. Remember, though they may fall off the list, that doesn't make them bad characters! Just... Not the best of the best.)
Cheerilee - 20
Cheese Sandwich - 22
Sunburst - 20
Zecora - 20
Little Strongheart - 20
Angel - 20
Winona - 20
Opalescence - 17
Gummy - 20
Tank - 20
Ditzy Doo - 24
Vinyl Scratch - 21
Thumbs Up
You're doing your best, and that's awesome.

Twilight Sparkle - 20
Rarity - 20
Applejack - 21
Pinkie Pie - 21
Fluttershy - 21
Rainbow Dash - 21
Spike the Dragon - 11
Sunny Starscout - 25
Izzy Moonbow - 21
Pipp Petals - 3 (-3 She not looking too good)
Zipp Storm - 23
Sprout - 20
Princess Celestia - 20
Princess Luna - 20
Princess Cadance - 20
Shining Armor - 20
Ember - 20
Thorax - 27 (+1 best bug)
Gallus - 20
Silverstream - 20
Smolder - 20
Yona - 21
Ocellus - 20
Nightmare Moon - 20
Queen Chrysalis - 14
King Sombra - 15
Lord Tirek - 21
The Storm King - 15
Cozy Glow - 20
Grogar - 17
Gilda - 20
Trixie - 21
Discord - 23
Sunset Shimmer - 22
Starlight Glimmer - 20
Star Swirl the Bearded - 18
Mayor Mare - 2
Cheerilee - 20
Cheese Sandwich - 22
Sunburst - 20
Zecora - 20
Little Strongheart - 20
Angel - 20
Winona - 20
Opalescence - 17
Gummy - 20
Tank - 20
Ditzy Doo - 24
Vinyl Scratch - 21
Kazzie has the best pony OCs
My OCs (made by Kaz): Obsidian Lights, Astral Glow, Glistening Gemstone
[Image: obsidian%20lights%20200.png][Image: astral%20glow%20200.png][Image: glistening%20gemstone%20200.png]

Twilight Sparkle - 20
Rarity - 20
Applejack - 21
Pinkie Pie - 21
Fluttershy - 21
Rainbow Dash - 21
Spike the Dragon - 11
Sunny Starscout - 25
Izzy Moonbow - 21
Pipp Petals - 3
Zipp Storm - 23
Sprout - 20
Princess Celestia - 20
Princess Luna - 20 (+1 she deserves to be higher than the other two, frankly)
Princess Cadance - 20
Shining Armor - 20
Ember - 20
Thorax - 27
Gallus - 20
Silverstream - 20
Smolder - 20
Yona - 21
Ocellus - 20
Nightmare Moon - 20
Queen Chrysalis - 14
King Sombra - 14 (-1 you boring bastard. I heard you came back and it got better. Most of us never got that far. Seen you in the comics though, that motherfucker doesn't deserve to be associated with ""spooky time limit cloud")
Lord Tirek - 21
The Storm King - 15
Cozy Glow - 20
Grogar - 17
Gilda - 20
Trixie - 21
Discord - 23
Sunset Shimmer - 22
Starlight Glimmer - 20
Star Swirl the Bearded - 18
Mayor Mare - 0 (-2, UNELECTED)
Cheerilee - 20
Cheese Sandwich - 22
Sunburst - 20
Zecora - 20
Little Strongheart - 20
Angel - 20
Winona - 20
Opalescence - 17
Gummy - 20
Tank - 20
Ditzy Doo - 24
Vinyl Scratch - 21

Twilight Sparkle - 20
Rarity - 20
Applejack - 21
Pinkie Pie - 21
Fluttershy - 21
Rainbow Dash - 21
Spike the Dragon - 11
Sunny Starscout - 25
Izzy Moonbow - 21
Pipp Petals - 3
Zipp Storm - 23
Sprout - 20
Princess Celestia - 20
Princess Luna - 21 (+0, you just forgot to update the total again.)
Princess Cadance - 20
Shining Armor - 20
Ember - 20
Thorax - 28 (+1 best bug)
Gallus - 20
Silverstream - 20
Smolder - 20
Yona - 21
Ocellus - 20
Nightmare Moon - 20
Queen Chrysalis - 14
King Sombra - 11 (-3 lame villain)
Lord Tirek - 21
The Storm King - 15
Cozy Glow - 20
Grogar - 17
Gilda - 20
Trixie - 21
Discord - 23
Sunset Shimmer - 22
Starlight Glimmer - 20
Star Swirl the Bearded - 18
Cheerilee - 20
Cheese Sandwich - 22
Sunburst - 20
Zecora - 20
Little Strongheart - 20
Angel - 20
Winona - 20
Opalescence - 17
Gummy - 20
Tank - 20
Ditzy Doo - 24
Vinyl Scratch - 21
Kazzie has the best pony OCs
My OCs (made by Kaz): Obsidian Lights, Astral Glow, Glistening Gemstone
[Image: obsidian%20lights%20200.png][Image: astral%20glow%20200.png][Image: glistening%20gemstone%20200.png]

Twilight Sparkle - 20
Rarity - 20
Applejack - 21
Pinkie Pie - 21
Fluttershy - 21
Rainbow Dash - 21
Spike the Dragon - 11
Sunny Starscout - 25
Izzy Moonbow - 21
Pipp Petals - 4 (+1, but only to delay the inevitable.)
Zipp Storm - 23
Sprout - 17 (-3. Fear mongering with no consequences.)
Princess Celestia - 20
Princess Luna - 21
Princess Cadance - 20
Shining Armor - 20
Ember - 20
Thorax - 28
Gallus - 20
Silverstream - 20
Smolder - 20
Yona - 21
Ocellus - 20
Nightmare Moon - 20
Queen Chrysalis - 14
King Sombra - 11
Lord Tirek - 21
The Storm King - 15
Cozy Glow - 20
Grogar - 17
Gilda - 20
Trixie - 21
Discord - 23
Sunset Shimmer - 22
Starlight Glimmer - 20
Star Swirl the Bearded - 18
Cheerilee - 20
Cheese Sandwich - 22
Sunburst - 20
Zecora - 20
Little Strongheart - 20
Angel - 20
Winona - 20
Opalescence - 17
Gummy - 20
Tank - 20
Ditzy Doo - 24
Vinyl Scratch - 21
Thumbs Up
You're doing your best, and that's awesome.

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